JAIME FILER Profile Photo

Introverted Extrovert CEO

Jaime Filer is the owner of Jaime Filer Fitness, a Top Instagram influencer in the mental and physical health space, with over 104K followers. She is transplant from Toronto, Ontario, and started her online coaching business in order to help women overcome overwhelm and reduce anxiety through fitness. She has her BA in Kinesiology, but is also a published fitness model, motivational speaker, and dog mom x 3.

Jan. 12, 2023

Overcoming Anorexia and Finding Healing through Bodybuilding: An Insp…

In this episode of "The Fit Mess," hosts Jeremy and Zach share their interview Jaime Filer, an online mental and physical health coach. Jamie shares her personal journey with anorexia and how bodybuilding helped save her. During the episode, Jamie...

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