Leah Coutts

Leah Coutts Profile Photo

Health & Fitness Coach

Leah is an Australian and International professional natural figure champion (bodybuilding) and online health and fitness coach with a doctorate in mindset transformation. Leah overcame over 15 years of complex body issues and injuries, misdiagnoses, incorrect surgeries and chronic pain to show what's possible when we don't accept others' limitations for us and pursue our passions. After years of exploration into understanding self-sabotage, belief systems, and perfectionism, Leah is committed to supporting others to live in alignment with their dreams and to create sustainable healthy lifestyles that make them happen. She is a certified nutritionist and fitness coach who specialises in those who choose to live a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, and is the creator and coach of Soulful Vegan Fitness.

Feb. 28, 2023

Unlocking Long-Term Success: The Key Mindset Shifts for Health and Fi…

To be successful in your health and fitness goals, you need to have a good attitude. Being positive and determined will help you stay focused. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated. You might be afraid of failing or saying negative …

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