Why the Opposite of Addiction is Connection with Johann Hari

Johann Hari explains why the opposite of addiction isn't sobriety...it's connection.
The new year has begun and so has your effort to make that resolution stick...this time.
For many that resolution might be finally kicking an addiction or a dependency once and for all. But to beat an addiction you have to understand it. Understanding addiction ranks high among the biggest problems that people face. So we have again called on an expert to help.
Author, Johann Hari took a journey of 30,000 miles around the world interviewing experts and looking into different cultures for answers. Ultimately, he learned a lot. He learned that the opposite of addiction isn't sobriety...it's connection.
He joins us again in this episode to explain why.

Johann Hari
Writer and Journalist
Johann Hari is a British writer and journalist. Hari has written for publications including The Independent and The Huffington Post and has written books on the topics of depression, the war on drugs, and the monarchy. He has also given TED talks on the topics of addiction, and depression and anxiety.