Nov. 18, 2020

How to Boost Energy, Fight Disease And Slow Aging with Glutathione with Nayan Patel

How to Boost Energy, Fight Disease And Slow Aging with Glutathione with Nayan Patel

Our guest is Nayan Patel, PharmD. He is the author of the new book “The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant.”

You’re not eating well. Perhaps you have a chronic illness. Maybe...and this is a wild’re under constant stress. You know all of these factors are doing damage to your body. They could also be contributing to a loss of a very important antioxidant your body normally produces.

A growing number of studies are starting to show that you can ward off disease and symptoms of aging by boosting your levels of the master antioxidant, glutathione (GSH). Research shows it can help do everything from bolstering immunity to lowering inflammation and regulating hormones, which means it has the potential to help protect against a long list of ailments.

This week we talk with Nayan Patel, PharmD. He is the author of the new book “The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant.” It is comprehensive and practical, outlining what exactly glutathione is and what happens to us as it decreases over time. 

Dr. Patel explains how to naturally increase glutathione levels to capitalize on the antioxidant’s innumerable benefits. With a 14-day plan, along with recipes, menus, and easy natural steps to boost glutathione levels in the body, you can feel younger and ward off the diseases of aging...naturally.

Dr. Nayan Patel is an internationally recognized expert, consultant, and lecturer on glutathione, and has been a respected pharmacist for twenty-two years. After studying mechanical engineering and chemistry at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. Patel received his Pharm.D degree from the USC School of Pharmacy, where he now serves as an adjunct faculty member. Dr. Patel has traveled the world educating practitioners on advanced biochemistry and anti-aging science and is a member of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists.

Sponsored by Athletic Brewing Company.

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Jeremy: [00:00:00] This is the fit mess with 

Zach and Jeremy.

You're not eating well. Perhaps you have a chronic illness or taking a wild guess here. You're under a lot of stress. You know, all of these are doing damage to your body and could be contributing to a loss of a very important antioxidant. Your body normally produces glutathione. I guarantee I'm going to say that wrong.

At least once in this show, you did it well, though, I got it that time. Uh, now listen, if your body is struggling to produce enough with glutathione, uh, you could be experiencing a number of things, poor sleep, low energy aches and pains, brain fog. Uh, it could be making your depression or your anxiety worse and could be contributing to a number of deadly diseases.

Now, before we get into this conversation, I want to make it clear that that we're not pushing a supplement. This, this is something that, that I. I feel strongly about I'm no scientist, but I hate supplements. One of my favorite interviews that we've done was with dr. Paul Offit and he helped kind of, you know, put the kibosh on the idea that supplements really do much of anything.

But Zack, you take a bunch of supplements, like you used to take a lot, but you scaled it back. 

Zach: [00:01:09] Yeah. I used to take it. It took me, I don't know, five or six, like swallows to. And I, I can swallow a handful of pills and it would take five or six swilles there. It was, it was a lot. Now it sounds one little handful.

I take, uh, just a general multivitamin, which is three pills, but they're, they're big. I take a krill oil. Okay. Which helps with my joints. I actually noticed a difference when I don't take krill oil. Okay. And I take tumeric. Okay. Which helps with inflammation on my body. And then I take a daily Prosek because I have ridiculous, um, heartburn issues that, um, called GERD, which is disgusting and gross.

But, um, I have been unable to treat it naturally. So it's my, my one medication. It's one handful of pills, but I'm always going to do a multivitamin just because I. I can't count on myself to eat everything that I need to eat to get all the vitamins and minerals that I need. So it becomes expensive. P yeah.

But. You know, it's there and my body uses it. 

Jeremy: [00:02:17] And I'm glad you said that because, uh, knowing we have this interview coming up, uh, I did a little bit of research on glutathione and, and how to get it. And we'll let, uh, dr. Nayan Patel, he's our guest this week. He's the author of the glutathione revolution, fight disease, slow aging, and increase energy with the master antioxidant.

So I was curious, what would glutathione do for me? I was mostly curious about what it would do for my depression episodes. And I also don't trust myself to get it from nutrition as he recommends. And this is my favorite part about talking to him and about his message is, I mean, this guy is a pharmacist.

His job is to sell you medication and pills and whatever you know is on the market. That's his gig. And he's looking to put himself out of business by helping you. With your, with your lifestyle, with your nutrition to help you get everything you need naturally. Well, I 

Zach: [00:03:10] will argue that one point because I don't think pharmacists are selling you the pills.

It's the doctors who are selling you the pills. 

Jeremy: [00:03:17] It's 

Zach: [00:03:17] a good point. My sister, just putting it together 

Jeremy: [00:03:20] for you. It's a good point. But the more that he can convince you that you don't need those pills, the less his job serves a purpose. So. My point, I went out and bought a supplement. I went out and bought a jar of glutathione pills, 250 milligrams.

And I started out taking just one a day and then upped it after a couple of days to two, because I wasn't really feeling anything. And my experience has been interesting because all of this year I've experienced anxiety. Like I never have, uh, I've always been more depressed, but because of the state of the world, I can feel the anxiety every single day.

And in the last month or so since I started taking this, that anxiety is still there, but I'm able to channel it into something productive. I'm able to use that energy to do something more productive with my time, rather than just having this sort of. Frantic chaotic, just sort of wandering mind and not really knowing what to do with it in the last month, I've been able to wake up and really realize, Hey, I need to do this today.

That's where I'm going to put this energy. So that's been really good. I had one episode where I did feel a depression coming on, which was weird because typically it takes me a couple of days of feeling horrible and being really depressed and angry and things. And then I realize usually because my wife pointed out that I was getting depressed.

But within hours, I was like, Oh, I think that's what this is. And I even told my wife and just by sharing it, uh, I was able to kind of release a lot of it. I cried and felt really sad about it. I was mad that I was depressed again. And by the end of the day, it had passed. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that taking 500 milligrams of glutathione out of a bottle is curing my anxiety or depression.

I don't know that. I do know, that's the only thing that's changed in my lifestyle in the last month. And I have two pretty solid examples of things that changed. Maybe it's because I take a pill every day, that changes my mindset to go, Oh, you're taking this thing. Maybe it will make you better. There's there's a number of reasons.

It could be totally coincidental. But I have two examples in the last month of an improvement. Since I started doing this, I'm going to keep taking it and just to see what it does to, uh, you know, the weeks and months ahead. But. I just found it fascinating that this thing I didn't know existed a few weeks ago could potentially have a huge impact on my life.

Zach: [00:05:45] A little bit of correlation. You need a few more data points though. 

Jeremy: [00:05:48] Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And, and it's easy to, to make a simple change like that and then feel like, Oh look, all of a sudden things are better. And to hang my hat on that being the reason, again, I'm not, I'm not going to tell you that this is going to cure your depression or your anxiety or anything else.

But it does seem to be, as we'll find out in the interview that a low level of glutathione contributes to a lot of these problems and deadly diseases and chronic health conditions and things like we've already mentioned, just being low on energy, tired, not sleeping well, aches and pains, all that kind of stuff.

Zach: [00:06:25] Yeah. That's what I got going on is the low energy. Yeah. Aches and pains, not sleeping well, so maybe that's just part of getting old, but according to dr. Patel, there might be something I can do about it. 

Jeremy: [00:06:37] Yeah. And that's his book. I, I, I gotta tell you when I saw the word glutathione, I was concerned because this is new to me.

I'm not big on, on this sort of level of biohacking. I don't get into the biology of stuff. So I was worried I was going to crack this thing open and it was going to be a science book that I was not going to understand. But I tore through this thing in a day, which I don't do. I don't read a book in a day that never happens for me.

So this is it's a quick and easy read that you will learn a lot about the way your body functions and about how much you might benefit from good Island. So we had a chance to talk to him a couple of weeks ago about this book, about his research and about how this could be something that could. Really benefit your health moving forward.

And we started by asking him really just about what glutathione is and why our body needs 

Nayan Patel: [00:07:19] it.

The glue thought itself in simple terms, it's a protein people say, what proteins are your body consumes? You eat protein daily basis. Uh, and this is something that your body produces. With, uh, with the help of other amino acids, mainly the glutamine glycine and cystine cystine is found in your whey proteins.

And, uh, we isolate like you build products. And so your body will take those three amino acids and make glue iron out of it at a simplest terms. Uh, and it made it, it makes a lot of it. So in simple terms, it's just a protein that your body produces and I can go more complex, but I don't do that necessarily at this 

Jeremy: [00:08:05] point.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, well, let's, let's talk about what people care most about is what does this do for me? It's something that my body already makes. It must serve a purpose. What does it do for me? 

Nayan Patel: [00:08:14] So your body makes a good time to serve a lot of different function, uh, on, on the surface. It, the main function is to detoxify you from free radicals, free radicals are produced by your body when it comes under stress.

Uh, this last eight months, I cannot imagine how much stress are going through right now. And even though. When you are outside in sun's, uh, in the sunshine and, uh, your organic stresses that you have on daily basis, we are going to some immense amount of stress today that they've never experienced before.

And when you're under stress, your body produces lot of free radicals. Uh, those free radicals have to be neutralized. Otherwise it's free radicals. It goes rapid and started eating up your body from inside. Uh, and so your body produces a lot of glue with iron to counteract any of the stresses that you feel are a daily basis.

So that's one of the functions of blue with iron, um, and base based on that function is. It's considered as an antioxidant, which is a major function of glue with iron. The other major function is a detoxifier and the way it does it is basically helps you metabolize through your liver, all the toxins that you consume, either through your mouth, that you breathe, the air, you touch, something goes to your skin.

I mean, there's lot of different ways you consume toxins on a daily basis. Any body has a summer process it and get rid of it. Has to be done by liver. So glutathione helps in all those different components. And the very last thing is that when your body's under immense amount of stress and is having some diseases to manage everybody that has diseases have shown low levels of glutathione to begin with.

So here's, you have some disease that your body needs to fight it. But the fighting emanation that your body needs to fight against the diseases is not is, is not present. So now you need help from outside sources. And my goal in life is to make your body self-sustaining. So you won't beat my pharmaceuticals ever.

I'm a pharmacist. And guess what? I don't want to sell you drugs if I don't 

Jeremy: [00:10:28] have to. 

Zach: [00:10:29] I've never heard before from a pharmacist. Amazing, 

Jeremy: [00:10:32] great. 

Zach: [00:10:33] Glutathione is very important for the body. Is. Testing your levels of glutathione part of standard blood work. When somebody goes to the doctors for say, just an annual physical, are they, are they testing the level of glutathione in that standard blood work or is that some extra tests that they have to do?

Nayan Patel: [00:10:52] And that's a good question because most of the doctors would not test for blood with tile, because if they see the levels are low, they have nothing to give it to you. And it's a, it's a, it is a blood test and you can measure it's it's, um, it's a non-preferred test. So most of the time people have to pay out of pocket.

I believe the cost is roughly about 60 to 80 bucks. The prices may have changed over the last few years, but that's how much I used to pay for my patients for the blood test. But yes, it's routinely never been tested because there's no treatment options available to raise the levels. Everyone. Even if you raise the levels, they don't know what to expect out of 

Zach: [00:11:33] it.

That's I think where your book comes into play. Right? Um, your book has a lot of details on how you can actually change your glutathione levels. Can you talk a little bit about, you know, in your book, you mentioned that as, as we age our glutathione production decreases, but we need it. As we age. So can you talk a little bit about our need for glutathione, how it changes over time and then, and then I guess we can get into.

What do we do to fix that? 

Nayan Patel: [00:12:03] Absolutely. So there's two ways to, uh, increase glute. Our levels are simple way, uh, which is, uh, the lazy way is to consume some supplements over the cat on the top of your glue with, and that we have our injectables that are two best forms out there, but the better way is to.

Stop your body from losing the blue time by not having behavior that increases your stress. That increases exposure to toxins, not consumed so much alcohol and other solvent and so on and so forth. So reduce the consumption or the need of blurred time to begin with for extracurricular activities. At the same time, also increase the production by consuming the right amount of foods that has.

Uh, predominantly the sustained glutamine and glycine molecules, too. Those are the basic substrates to, to make the one more thing that your body needs to be as a catalyst for this reaction is selenium. And the best way I tell my, my patients is to. Eat four Brazil, nuts per day. That's it. You don't need to.

Anything more than that. If S eight is too much, four is plenty to help get your body. The glutathione production is enzymes and the Silliman needs to produce the glutathione. 

Zach: [00:13:27] Talking about the, uh, how are hard. Our production of glutathione decreases over time. But our, maybe our need for it is, is still there.

You mentioned in your book, supply and demand. 

Nayan Patel: [00:13:39] Yes. So the production starts going down, starting the age of 20. Really? We don't, we don't notice the decrease in production until the age of 40, because even though the levels are decreasing, You're not supposed to be drinking until you're 21 anyways. Right?

So you're, you're not consuming all the salt one that is, that is toxic to your body or an ongoing basis. So your, your need for blood is, is there, but it's not that much when you're younger because everything else is functioning. Just fine. But then as you start getting into your, your work life and your married life and your kids' life and your stress increases, your mortgage increases, your, your behavior starts getting a little bit more erratic and you started traveling the world and, and seen a lot of different things.

And when it, when everything starts combined together, your need for gluten also increases with, with your stressors, when the need increases and your body cannot produce enough. There's a, there's a slight change where your needs are more than your body production. And over time, the gap starts increasing wider and wider.

And that widening of the gap is actually what we start feeling in terms of diseases, uh, inability to exercise, inability to, to control pain. We have exit pains all over our body. We have inflammation in our body and so on and so forth. So. Over time over needs for time are actually the same or more sometimes, but our production cannot keep up with the actually 

Jeremy: [00:15:18] it's interesting.

You point out the, the number of, of diseases, conditions that people have that show low levels of glutathione glued to my own. I knew I was going to do that. Um, As someone who deals with depression, I was fascinated to see that that appears to be common in people like me, my wife, uh, deals with Hashimoto's syndrome.

Fascinating that that affects her as well. Um, and also I think, again, getting back to the point that you've already made as a pharmacist, you're leading the charge to get people, to try and get that number up so you can stop giving us medication. I love that more than I can express. And it seems like, uh, one of the biggest things you're pointing to, to get folks to get that number up is diet.

Nayan Patel: [00:16:04] Yes. 

Jeremy: [00:16:05] Talk a little bit about what you recommend for someone who's trying to, even if they don't go get the blood test, they're thinking, well, these things all sound like me. Maybe this is me. What can they do to their diet to see if that, uh, puts them on the right path? 

Nayan Patel: [00:16:19] Absolutely. So let me just address the question about the blood test first.

Uh, just because you do a testing for glucose out of the level is, is good today in literally few hours from today, even may not be okay because the gluten levels can fluctuate within minutes. So to speak. It is a very short half-life. And we look at everything as a half five, because how long is it going to be active inside your body and glue it on being such a reactive species?

Your body produces. It has produced an ongoing basis to maintain the needs. And so by doing a blood test, it's a hit and miss. If you get a good levels and you ignore the signs that, Hey, I still have a problem, but, but that was okay. Uh, let's start do anything. I think you may miss the boat. So being said that, uh, I always liked the natural way of live, increase your own level.

So there's few things that I always recommend for people. One is you can do two things. You can either eat the foods to produce your old glow tire. And or decrease the, uh, behavior that user vulnerably with iron, for those things, by the way, gluten is also the only molecule that can regenerate itself.

Once it's been used up. For example, if, if you are exposed to sunlight and you have a lot of free radicals in your body, the gluten molecule will, will, will consume that electron. Uh, and, and sacrifice itself. But what it does is it combines with another gluten molecule, combines them together, become a stable form.

So then when you consume vitamin C or drink your orange juice, it gives the energy back to the gluten and this thing becomes growth again. And so it recycles itself. It's the only X MTRs and there's known to be recycling itself. So, so if you are. Not consuming heavy metals like fishes and things like that.

That can have a lot of heavy metals in your diet. Uh, you can, you can really literally recycle your own blood iron levels. Otherwise once C detoxifies, the heavy metals or other metabolites, it's a one way process and you cannot reach her those Dota and back. So. So that's one way of, of preventing the use of blue tide for something that you can avoid, because you want to keep it for a autoimmune disease or diabetes or our infections and things like that.

The other thing is that consuming the right types of food to increase your own level. So I like whey isolates. I have a lot of sustaining there. I like the avocados. I, I mean, I just have avocado sandwiches just few minutes ago, right before this podcast. Um, I, I, I eat asparagus and, you know, things that are, that are the building blocks for, uh, for the glutathione.

I always tell my patients just because you consume gluten capsule, your body will break it out into different amino acids. And the body does not necessarily has to be the glue. That again, just because you ate tide, the body doesn't have to produce plutonium. And that's the myth. You can eat any amino acids that your body needs and the body will make the proteins that your body needs.

So I always say that it's better to consume the foods that are rich with amino acids that are take a capsules or something that is, that is going to be degraded. And then bodies rebuild again. Anyway, 

Jeremy: [00:19:51] Zach and I have both had a lot of success with the keto diet. I dropped about 70 pounds on it. He dropped a ton of weight on it.

It was fantastic for both of us. Um, I know that you don't necessarily recommend sticking it going that way. Cause it is difficult to maintain for a lot of people. Um, I'm, I'm now on more of like a paleo sort of a diet, which is very similar, but a little more lenient. Are those, uh, effective methods? Is that a good diet to point to, or is it simpler than that?

Nayan Patel: [00:20:20] Um, my diet, I I'm not. So any diet per se, like for example, cure diet is great. If you're trying to, uh, try to control your insulin load and try to increase your metabolism and try to lose weight. It's a great thing. Uh, long-term, it, it, it may be difficult to for sustaining. So I like a combination diet where.

You are still being able to enjoy the food, uh, and not bring so much stress on your body that you, you're not enjoying life at the same time. I'm not a big proponent on doing something that I can sustain for the rest of my life. Uh, as, as I said, I like my, I like my water. I like, I like simple things in life.

That makes sense to me. So. I like to eat foods that that are whole foods are that gives me a lot of energy. I particular, uh, went vegetarian three years ago, but just on a whim of proving the point that you need and proteins to survive and to stay healthy. And I'm going to this quest right now, but this is my fourth year right now.

And I'll, I'll probably do another one more year before I can realize. Well, the effects before and 

Jeremy: [00:21:39] afterwards, I'm glad you brought that up. I've been a vegetarian, so I've, so I've done the keto and paleo diet, but I've had to modify them because I've been a vegetarian for about 25 years. Um, so, so that is really interesting to hear that, that you're doing that because this is one of the things that drives me crazy about this field online is there's just this war con like you must eat meat.

You must eat plants. If you do the opposite, you are completely wrong and you're destroying society. It does. It just seems like it's so simple. If it's something that grows out of the earth that we've been eating for hundreds of years, it seems like that's sort of the thing we're supposed to be doing and not necessarily, uh, overthinking it too much.

Nayan Patel: [00:22:18] Absolutely. I mean, if, if, if we were supposed to eat meat, we should have large canines and small intestines intestines because our body is, has a long intestinal tract is because we digest food by fermentation process. Versus meat eaters. Congress animals have shorter intestines because they don't digest food by fermentation process.

And so our body's not equipped to do so. So that was that's the journey that I'm on right now. I can't comment too much at this point because I'm still learning as much as I, as much as I'm enjoying my life right now. And if I, if you ever. Essentially in person, this century person is this frail guy or girl that literally can be blown away by a heavy wind.

And yet they're resilient to diseases to, to all kinds of problems and the healthier people. You don't see a huge puffed up guy or a girl that is a hundred years old plus because they have a lot of issues to deal with it. 

Jeremy: [00:23:25] Right. I 

Zach: [00:23:27] am not the vegetarian and the button tray. I enjoy steaks. Just, I just want to ask a clarifying question on some of the diet pieces, um, in your book, I read that people who do the keto diet or do, you know, low carbohydrate diets, that type of eating actually tends to increase the glutathione production in the body.

So you made a comment that may got me thinking, do you feel like it is. Um, the benefits of the keto diet, that's actually making people feel better when they're on the keto diet. If it, if it does make them feel better or is, or do you think it's, um, more to do with the glutathione increase in the body? 

Nayan Patel: [00:24:08] I think it's, it's, it's, it's both ways.

It's more towards the diet. I would, I would lean towards a diet more than a global production. Uh, it's keep in mind the biggest culprit you have in your body today. That you produce on a daily basis is his instrument. And as long as we can control the insulin load insulin spikes, uh, you'll be able to better control your life better and better, better.

Uh, Uh, control of toxicities and inflammation in your body. So by, by doing the specific diets and not any lot of carbs and, and controlling that you don't see a spikes in the insulin levels, the load may in piece, but the insulin spike is not going to be there. And that sometime is lot better than to have, uh, a reduced a load of insulin also.

So. Overall again, as I said earlier, I'm not big fan of any particular diet than healthy diet. Uh, but there's always a place for something dramatic to, to gain control of your body and then move it to direction where. It's self-sustaining so module keto diet to gain control of your body and reduce inflammation and help use it extra, extra rate, but then move into something that's self-sustaining where it, uh, it also gives you pleasure in life because keeping mine.

Food is probably the number one pleasure in people's life today. And without the proper diet and food, you are not living the life as you suppose to. So B food needs to be part of your life. But it cannot consume the whole life, so to speak. So I want to make sure that clear distinction. So because in my book I've given you like the recipes and all these things, and these are my old personal things that I do.

I'm not a cook or a chef by all means. I tell my kids all the time that, Hey, if you're going to eat, I'll cook for you. And they'll say, no, please don't cook. I'm not a chef by all means, but I, I know what I want to eat. And I started to eat, draw. Foods and things that, that, that gives me pleasure in life.

I'm okay with it. 

Jeremy: [00:26:30] Yeah. You, you touched on it earlier. The, uh, the idea of, uh, of taking, taking it as a supplement and how you eat it, and it maybe isn't the most effective way to get it, but there are supplements available. Correct? 

Nayan Patel: [00:26:43] Well, that that's the reason this quest happened to me by writing a book and glute revolution is because for the first time, uh, we figured out how to stabilize glue at room temperature outside your body.

Uh, in a bottle and deliver through your skin in an untouched manner. Uh, until now I was making, I was a pharmacist and I used to make glutathione IVs, and doctors used to inject them into, uh, uh, uh, uh, to, to the doctor's offices, through the Wade portals. And it was a, such a short lived molecule. Not see the results that every talks about in the literature.

And I was getting a little bit discouraged with that information. So it wasn't until we discovered the topical form of globe Island that bypasses the stomach, doesn't get broken down into different mirror assets and gets through your skin in sank box. Do you see a pattern as to year for the very first time and do a surprise where this is a worldwide patent protection that we received because not created like this ever before and hence the quest for me to start the revolution on helping everybody out there to get on the quest on helping yourself healing from the inside.

Uh, and do everything possible to raise your levels. If you are one of those guys that needs help immediately for a few months, uh, take the topic of supplementation, get control of your body and then get on a quest on healthy aging. That's what I actually, no, I'll try the back. I don't want a healthy aging anymore.

I want to change the phrase to healthy living. And whenever I sign my book now to everybody, I always write down, welcome to healthy living because aging is, I don't want to age. I want to live 

Jeremy: [00:28:39] when he ended with there, I think is so valuable in so many ways right now, because so many of us are just surviving.

We're sitting in our basements, aging, like he said, So, if we can find a way to live a little better through our diet, our level of exercise, the many suggestions he has in his book to help you feel better, it might help us through all of this stress that our body is constantly under attack from, with the quarantined situations, the COVID.

The uncertainty about the future, all of these things that we're all wrestling with are just hammering our bodies. And so I do think even if glutathione, isn't the thing, this is my, my big takeaway, I think from this book was if I implement all the changes that should boost glutathione. And even if it doesn't, I'm going to feel better.

If I'm going to exercise better, if I'm going to eat better, I'm going to feel better, whether it's the glutathione or not. So I, I recommend enough this book, I really loved it. We've actually got a few copies we can give away. So for folks that want to sign up for our newsletter, we'll do some drawings and send those out.

You can sign up for the newsletter at our website, the But again, that's, that was kind of the, the thing that hit home for me was just making sure that you're doing what you can to take care of yourself, especially because we're under so much stress. It's only going to help you navigate this better.

Zach: [00:30:00] Yeah, but I, uh, I want to reemphasize his, his message of, of doing this in a natural way. Yes. Um, eating the right food, exercising the right way, but then he does talk about. If that's not enough, if you need a boost, you can do some supplements and you can, there are ways to, to boost your, your glutathione levels, but I really, really enjoyed the fact that he's, he's, he's pushing the healthy lifestyle as opposed to take this pill and take that pill.

And.  do it that way. 

Jeremy: [00:30:29] Yeah. And he does offer ways that you can get through a topical, topical supplement and things like that. We'll have links to that on the show page for this episode @ um, some other things he mentioned, uh, we talked about testing for glutathione levels. It is a simple blood test, but like he says, you could get tested in the morning and it could be one thing.

And by the afternoon it's something totally different. So it is something maybe to talk to your doctor about, I don't know that a lot of doctors are. Pushing this at all. Uh, and I don't know that doing a blood test is necessarily worth it. You get your blood tested like every other Thursday? 

Zach: [00:31:02] No, it's on Wednesday, 

Jeremy: [00:31:03] Wednesday.

Zach: [00:31:04] Yeah. I've never done a glutathione test. So I, I would be curious to see what it is, but for the pure purpose of, of just being curious, because like he said, what it is at one moment could be totally different than next moment. Um, but yeah. Such really good information on what glutathione is. And I was, I was happy to hear that it's a responsible, uh, molecule, that it, it 

Jeremy: [00:31:30] reuses itself.

Yeah. Kind of, kind of like a rechargeable battery, I guess. So I don't know. I guess, I guess if there's one, uh, you know, besides the, the big takeaway that I've already mentioned, the other thing, just do what I did, you know, go out and buy a supplement. Uh, I think the bottle I got was like, 30 or 40 capsules.

It was like 25 bucks. It wasn't anything big. And just start there, see if you notice any difference. And then, you know, use that. If you are noticing a difference, start implementing the changes from his book and eating the kind of foods you need to eat to boost this molecule. And really, again, even if, even if this one thing doesn't change for you, I think the, the tools that he outlines in the book.

Are really kind of the building blocks for a healthier lifestyle. And that's 

Zach: [00:32:18] really, what's important is the healthier lifestyle. 

Jeremy: [00:32:20] Exactly. One way to make sure you have a healthy lifestyle is to drink non-alcoholic beer when you, when you really have a craving for a beer. Exactly. And I'm, I'm super jealous.

I've been sitting here looking at you through zoom, watching you drink, uh, one of the athletic brewing company beers that I do not have in my fridge right now. One, if you look at them, 

Zach: [00:32:40] uh, So I've, I've had the run wild IPA on many occasions, but, um, this is actually my first time having the hometown 

Jeremy: [00:32:48] harvest.

Zach: [00:32:49] Yeah. Because a fall IPA, like 

Jeremy: [00:32:52] you said, it's like a, like an Oktoberfest IPA. 

Zach: [00:32:55] It was like an October Fest, but IPA was high. 

Jeremy: [00:32:58] Wow. Just 

Zach: [00:32:59] super delicious. And, um, It really brought me back to a nice fall day of like having a beer after yard work. And it was, 

Jeremy: [00:33:10] I, I can't tell you how many times I've have been around other people and I've introduced this beer to them and the look on their face.

Every time they take a sip and they realize it's non-alcoholic. You can't tell it's these guys have got it dialed in. They know what they're doing. Athletic brewing company is a, the name of the company. They are a sponsor of the show and we are so proud to be partnered with them. For this there's a link to them on our website, the

Zach: [00:33:35] And if you want to boost your glutathione levels, I'd be willing to bet that some of the ingredients in the beer may help with that 

Jeremy: [00:33:41] may, may be 

Zach: [00:33:43] as part of a fully balanced diet that dr. Patel recommends in the 

Jeremy: [00:33:48] well, but he does also recommend, uh, decreasing the amount of alcohol that you consume, because 

it does damage to glutathione.

So if you want to make sure that you're doing what you can. Athletic brewing company. Beer is the way to go. It's the best. All right. Well, I guess I get to the store and get some, what is that now? Hometown harvest. What is the, the name of that one? Hometown 

Zach: [00:34:07] harvest 

Jeremy: [00:34:08] town. I'm on my way to the, to the beverage store to get myself some of that.

I suggest you do the same and on the way, maybe listen to some of our older episodes. You can find those at our website and you can find our new episode that will be available next Wednesday. We'll be talking with author Kristi Nelson. She's the author of a brand new book it's called wake up grateful.

Perfect timing for the Thanksgiving holiday. So we'll have that for you the day before Thanksgiving, we'll have that for you the day before Thanksgiving, couldn't be timed better, really looking forward to that conversation with you. 

Zach: [00:34:38] And there's gotta be some food at Thanksgiving. That's going to boost glutathione.

Jeremy: [00:34:41] There's gotta be, it's gotta be 

Zach: [00:34:43] like all the stuff, 

Jeremy: [00:34:45] right? Yeah. Just don't eat too much of it. I think might be the. The trick there. All right. We're 

Zach: [00:34:50] going to be, if you eat more, you'll get more glutathione. Right? 

Jeremy: [00:34:53] Well, I guess if you look at it that way, 

Zach: [00:34:55] that's that's bad advice. 

Jeremy: [00:34:56] All right. Well, we've got to start cooking.

We got, we got things to prepare for the holidays that are over a week away. All right. We're going to get out of here. Thanks so much for listening. Uh, again, the website, the fit Please do sign up for the newsletter there so we can, uh, draw your name and send you a couple of copies of this book to get you on a better path to wellness.

We will talk to you next 

Zach: [00:35:16] See everyone. 

Jeremy: [00:35:18] We know this podcast is amazing and does not seem to lack anything, but we do need a legal disclaimer, Jeremy and Zach are not 


They do not play them on the internet. And even if they did 

play them on the internet, 

they would be really bad at it.

Please consult your physician prior to implementing any changes that you heard on this podcast, pollution or assumes that Jeremy and Zach do not know what they are talking about and that 

you will do 

your own research on the topics 


about on this podcast.


Dr. Nayan Patel Profile Photo

Dr. Nayan Patel


Dr. Nayan Patel is an internationally recognized expert, consultant, and lecturer on glutathione, and has been a respected pharmacist for 22 years. After studying mechanical engineering and chemistry at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. Patel received his Pharm.D degree from the USC School of Pharmacy, where he now serves as an adjunct faculty member. Dr. Patel has traveled the world educating practitioners on advanced biochemistry and anti-aging science and is a member of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists. He lives with his family in Southern California.

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