Learn About the Secret Ingredient that's Being Called the Superfood of the Future With Catharine Arnston

Our guest is Catharine Arnston. She is the Founder and CEO of ENERGYbits.
In this episode, we talk with the very energetic owner and founder of ENERGYBits, Catharine Arnston. She started ENERGYbits after her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and was advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would help her recover. We explore how Catharine’s desire to help and her keen research skills helped her discover the powerful potential of algae and what it may be the next great superfood.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- The health benefits of spirulina and chlorella
- Why algae is a misunderstood and nutrient-dense superfood
- How spirulina could replace a number of supplements you take every day
- The difference between toxic algae in local waters and the algae you should be eating
- How to use algae for more energy and better recovery
Links mentioned in this episode:
ENERGYbits (Use Promo Code FITMESS for 20% off)
Biohacking Congress in Miami (Use Promo Code HACK50 for 50% off tickets)
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EnergyBits COntent - Mic 1 + 3
[00:00:00] Jeremy: Hi there. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Fit mess, Zach and I are very excited to share this episode with you because it's about something we didn't know nearly as much about when we started recording, as we did, when we finished, we're talking about algae, not the toxic stuff you're supposed to avoid, but the super food that you probably should be eating a lot more of.
[00:00:42] We'll talk about that with our guest, Catherine Arnstein. She is the founder and CEO of energy. Energy bits may look like a supplement and we may even call them supplements in this episode, but you'll quickly learn as we did that. They are simply a compressed form of this powerful food that is not a fruit, vegetable or animal yet as Catherine tells us packs a nutrient rich punch that eclipses them all. we often joke on this show about how. Zach is sort of the trailblazer. And then I eventually follow along a year or two later and I'm like, Hey, did you hear about this thing? It's pretty cool. It's trying out. And you're like, yeah, I remember when I told you two years, this is, I feel like this is another one of those episodes, because I used to tease you relentlessly about the fistfuls of supplements that you take every single day.
[00:01:29] And I was just like, you're just buying an expensive pee as a huge waste of money. What a dummy. And now three times a day, I got a fistful of supplements that I shove in my face and I swallow them down. So now I feel like I'm coming to you going, Hey Zach, do you know about these top ones?
[00:01:43] These are, these are something you have to try them out.
[00:01:46] Zach: Yeah. And most of them I've heard of and taken
[00:01:49] Jeremy: You have something in your cabinet right now that you're already taking know. Yeah. Those, those seven are cute. Check out these other 24.
[00:01:55] Zach: . Exactly. I've been adding a couple more lately just to, we talked about cholesterol, but I've been adding a few more to try and help me with my cholesterol level, but we'll see how that goes. So what are you taking? What are they recommending that you
[00:02:08] Jeremy: I can't pronounce most of them. And we should mention that a part of the reason that I'm taking, I should say part of the reason, nothing, 100% of the reason I'm taking them is because of our new sponsor inside tracker. Uh, it's the system where they, they take your blood and they give you a personalized plan to follow, to clean up your health and improve your, your overall wellness score.
[00:02:26] And so a lot of the big changes that have been recommended for my plan are taking these supplements. So stop me when I say them wrong, uh, alpha lipoic acid. ALA am I close,
[00:02:38] Zach: Sounds close
[00:02:39] Jeremy: but I'm going to say, I'm going to pretend like that's how you pronounce it. , I take a probiotic twice a day. I take magnesium every night.
[00:02:47] Salium I shoved that in as many things as I can. , vitamin D .
[00:02:51] Zach: I think
[00:02:52] Jeremy: I always say psyllium. Did I just say silent? Salium okay. It's silly. I know that, but I always want to say, cause it's the why it throws me every time. Vitamin. C O Q 10. No idea what it is, but it's a cute little orange pill. So I swallow it.
[00:03:05] A protein supplement, vitamin C and a, I think that's it for now. They recommend others, including spirulina, which we'll talk more about in just a little bit, but
[00:03:15] Zach: thanks.
[00:03:16] Jeremy: that's the short list. That's that's the ones I can afford right now.
[00:03:21] Zach: Yeah. I think the moment of truth I had a long time ago was, looking down at this fist full of pills and going, that's like $6
[00:03:30] Jeremy: know I haven't done the
[00:03:30] Zach: in my hand.
[00:03:31] Jeremy: haven't done the math yet.
[00:03:33] Zach: And then I was like, and I do this twice a day, every day.
[00:03:37] Jeremy: That's a bad latte. Habit is what that is.
[00:03:40] Zach: Yeah. So that was the point where I was like, okay, we're going to take them all out. And I'm going to add them back in one at a time and see, which ones are truly making a difference. Um, cause I, I, at that point when I got to that level, it was just me going, oh, I wonder what this one does.
[00:03:54] Oh, I just read about this one. I'm going to try that one did adding, , four or five at a time.
[00:03:59] Jeremy: Well, you know, , once inside tracker comes and takes your blood, you'll know exactly which ones you should be taking and which ones you can throw it out.
[00:04:07] Zach: Yeah. So I am actually going through the you've already been through the process, but I'm going to document my process, over the next few weeks here, uh, of getting my blood drawn and, , getting the information and seeing what I should be taking. And hopefully some of the things that I'm already taking will be on that
[00:04:24] Jeremy: Yeah. What's that? How many do you take? How many different supplements do you take right now?
[00:04:29] Zach: Um, I think right now I'll only take eight or nine, but it's not too. I think, my highest I was up in the twenties.
[00:04:37] Jeremy: And what difference do you notice? Cause I can't say that, that I can pinpoint, since I started taking these supplements, I feel X, Y, Z. it may be partially because of where I've moved, but I'm living a much more active lifestyle. We live kind of out in nature. So I'm outside a bunch. I walk a ton.
[00:04:53] And so maybe, had, I started this six months ago when I was still at home. I might be more burned out, more tired, more drained by all that. So maybe these are sort of helping me live this healthier lifestyle, but you know, correlation, causation, what are you going to do?
[00:05:06] Zach: With most of these, the changes build gradually. So, I take tumeric, right. It takes 10, 12, 15 days. It to reach a maximum potency in your body. So over that time, it's a little bit, little bit, little bit, little bit, but then when you stop, it's when you stopped taking them, is when, when I really noticed a difference.
[00:05:25] So when I stopped taking tumeric, my muscles hurt a little bit more, , due to inflammation, so yeah, you're not going to notice that as you're taking them, but when you stop taking them, that's generally when you do notice it. unfortunately was taking so many and I stopped taking them all.
[00:05:42] And then I felt like crap. And then I had to add them in one at a time and build them back up. So it was a long process , of getting back to where I'm at now.
[00:05:50] Jeremy: I've thought about that. I've thought about, should I stop? Because same thing trying to figure out, like, what is this physically doing? How would I feel if I didn't do this tomorrow? And while I'm curious, and the results , could go one way or another, because I've gotten in the habit. I know me. And I know that if I stop.
[00:06:08] It's going to take like three months to get back on into the habit. When we moved, I started tracking my calories every single day and it was, I was just on it. Totally. Everything I ate was, was tracked in one day I went, I'm not going to do it today. Guess how many days ago that was? It's been like two and a half weeks.
[00:06:27] And I like literally never did it again after that day. Cause I broke the habit and I was like, ah, once I stop, once I stopped, I can't start. I think that was the opposite of the Pringle.
[00:06:40] Zach: Well, if you, yeah, if you're eating Pringles, that's a good, a good one.
[00:06:46] Jeremy: That is, that's a better Pringles ad, I think.
[00:06:48] Zach: Yeah,
[00:06:48] Jeremy: But let's talk about a brand new supplement one you just started taking, , just in the last few days
[00:06:56] Zach: yeah. Lately I've been taking, , energy bits, which is an allergy tablet supplement., that we're going to talk to Catherine. Arnstein about in just a couple of
[00:07:04] And she's the CEO and founder of energy bits. , she's going to do a much better job of explaining Aldi and the benefits that it has on, the human body than I could ever do. , , so we, we first just asked her, how did energy bits come to be.
[00:07:18] Catharine: Well, I, I never intended to be an LG expert, although it certainly I've become one. After 12 years of studying this amazing food that's been given to us by mother nature. And, , I'm Canadian, although I've lived in Boston 33 years, something magical about 33. , but I did, I mentioned that because I have an MBA and I spent, , my career mostly in either corporate or starting other companies.
[00:07:44] I was actually headed. Side trip to the interior design industry, but nonetheless, more nothing to do with nutrition is what I'm trying to key in here. So, um, I was minding my own business with my corporate job and then out of the blue, my younger sister who lives in Canada developed breast cancer. She's fine.
[00:08:02] Now I just want everyone to know she's a 10 years. Cancer-free so happy ending there. And when she went to visit her oncologist, as she was preparing for her chemo, the oncologist, , said, well, I want you to change your diet to an alkaline diet, cause it would help with your healing. Now Caracalla just, didn't tell her what an alkaline diet was and her oncologist, by the way, it was a woman.
[00:08:23] , and she didn't tell her why it was good for her. , but my sister do the flea was going to do whatever her doctor said. So she got home and called me and said like, what's an alkaline diet. And like, I don't know, you know, I'm a corporate executive over here. , but I will find out cause I love my sister and I'm a very good researcher.
[00:08:39] I can find out anything. So onto the internet, I went and found out that mostly an alkaline diet was primarily a plant-based diet because of the. , phytonutrients and the chlorophyll and all that rich enzymes. So I gave her lots of tips. She changed her diet. She went through chemo. She completely healed.
[00:08:55] But in the process of doing that for her, I started reading about plant-based nutrition. Now you have to remember this was 12 or 13 years ago, and virtually nobody was talking about plant-based nutrition. So after I'd read about 12 books, I thought, man, this is powerful stuff. Somebody should tell the rest of the world.
[00:09:12] So. Well, I'm going to give it a shot. I have no nutrition background, but this is too important. So I gave up my corporate career. I did go to school now that I need some kind of certification. So I went to the Institute for integrative nutrition, where I got a health coaching certificate and enough base groundwork for nutrition.
[00:09:29] And then when I graduated, which was July, 2009, I, I put my own curriculum together and taught new plant-based nutrition. That's when my true epiphany happened. That led me to LG. And my epiphany was this, as I was always teaching people about the importance of eating vegetables and greens.
[00:09:46] They told me, Hey, you know, you're not telling me anything new. My, my mother has been trying to get me to eat vegetables, veggies since I was two. , so I wasn't teaching them anything. They didn't already know. But what I discovered was the reason they weren't following these instructions of things. to do is there were too many obstacles either.
[00:10:04] They didn't live near a grocery store or they were too heavy to carry home and they didn't have a car or they took too much room in their fridge, or they took too long to clean, to cook, to eat the kids wouldn't eat them. The husbands were didn't. The list was endless. Oh that okay. I've seen the science.
[00:10:18] I know what this stuff does for people. And we've got to stop people getting from helping them get it stopped, getting cancer, diabetes, blah, blah, blah. And it's nutrition. Mostly. , I'm going to find something that's green. That's fast. Now again, I didn't know what I was going to find, but back to the internet I went and I, I just did a deeper dive on everything I found for my sister and nothing was working and nothing was working.
[00:10:40] And then boom, I got to algae and that's when the miracle that's when the magic happened, it was like Alice in Wonderland, falling down the rabbit hole because I, as I started peeling back the research and the information about algae, first of all, it's not that there, there's no information about algae.
[00:10:56] There's actually too much about it. There's a hundred thousand. Studies documenting the efficacy of all the benefits we're going to talk about today, whether it's more energy reduced inflammation, reducing metabolic disease, uh, helping with focus, losing weight, skin, and hair, like it's endless. So it's all science-based, I never say anything if I don't have an article from the NIH to back it up.
[00:11:21] So that's number one. Documented number two, it's been endorsed by international agencies for decades. The United nations has endorsed it since 1970s as the answer world hunger, because as you're going to find out, it has three times the amount of protein as steak. It has the highest spirulina has the highest concentration of any protein, of any food in the world.
[00:11:42] And it's all in amino acids. So your body doesn't have to work to get it down to NASA. Endorses it as the most nutrient dense food in the world, because it has, and this is a quote we have from them. One gram of algae has the same nutrition as a thousand grams of fruits and vegetables, one to a thousand.
[00:11:59] We sell , our LG and tiny tablets that are air dried. So the raw food, blah, blah, blah. And they're about the size of a baby. Astron each one of these tablets. Cause we did. Has the same nutrition as an entire heaping plate of vegetables, except you didn't have to cook them, clean them or eat them, just swallow a couple of things down and, you know, problem solved.
[00:12:18] So endorsed by international agencies, nutrient dense, high protein, documented by science. Oh. And it's been used for centuries and most notably in Asia. We're , it's a multi-billion that's with a B multi-billion dollar agricultural crop. Yes. Two important things here. A it's almost as big as the beef industry is here in Asia.
[00:12:39] And two algae is not a supplement. LG is a food. It's no different than kale or tomatoes or broccoli. We grow it in fresh water. That's the other key thing, algae that you consume ours or any, any pretty much 99.9% of the stuff that's on the market is not from the ocean. Yes, there is LG in the ocean, but the algae that you are consuming from us or from anybody is harvested.
[00:13:05] In fresh water, it's called hydroponic. And by the way, in Japan, they don't take supplements. They take chlorella algae every day. And by the way, they have the lowest cancer rates, longest longevity, lowest obesity rates and great skin and hair. So they're clearly doing something right.
[00:13:21] And they're taking this stuff every day. So I, when I read all of this. And so how easy it was to take as if you can swallow water, you can get your vegetables in an instant, and they're safer children, pets, grandparents. There is not a single person, not a negative outcome from either algae. We're going to talk about the two spirulina and chlorella.
[00:13:40] They're quite different. They do completely different things in your body, but not as single negative outcome in 70 years. So I. This was the answer. This is what people need. but I had to be sure of the science. So it took me like 10 years I've gone. I've read personally about two to 3000 scientific documents.
[00:13:59] I've written about 500. I've been published in about a dozen. I've been on shark tank. I've been on 150 podcast recently. And my mission is to get this stuff out to the world where it can do good. And it's also the most sustainable crop in the world. And if you haven't seen the movie Netflix movies, uh, S E a S P I R a C Y.
[00:14:20] I encourage you to watch it because even they say the answer to saving our oceans. Is to take LG because I make a three that's where the fish get the mega three from, and it's got three times the amount of protein as fish. , so there you go. That's what drew me to algae. LG has been completely misunderstood for billions of years, and I am determined to change that.
[00:14:42] Jeremy: If this stuff gives me a fraction of your energy, I'm sold. I'm in, let's just send it my way. I'm in.
[00:14:52] Catharine: Well, that's the good news or bad news. I don't know. I thought I knew everything about algae when I first started two or three years ago., 12 years later, I am more excited about algae now than I was when I started this, because I've learned so much more and it's so rewarding that now people are starting to believe me and read the science and experience it.
[00:15:11] There's nothing like experiencing this stuff and see how easy it is to achieve all these great benefits. I know your audience can't see me, but you can. I turned 65 next month. 65.
[00:15:24] Jeremy: Get outta here.
[00:15:26] Catharine: This is the, this I am the poster child. Morality. All right. W w no facelifts, no makeup. Uh, I sleep well. I, I work out every day.
[00:15:37] I have millennials working for me. I have mental acuity. That's, you know, the same as I always have. I actually look younger now than I did 10 years ago. So I know this stuff works and I just want everybody else to have the same benefits.
[00:15:52] NA: So, how do
[00:15:52] Catharine: you do this? What's the process of taking that and packing it into this little tablet? Well, there's spirulina and chlorella. Slightly differently.
[00:16:01] , but they are both grown in fresh water. They start in a, in a test tube in the lab, and then they're moved at, at a certain point when they're large enough to, , be put into this water. Uh, we grow ours in triple filtered, spring mountain water, and the water is, is rotated to keep it going.
[00:16:19] So it takes about six weeks to grow. , and then , most people use hiking. To dry it cause they're most people who sell algae except us are volume sellers, like, you know, target and whatever. , we air dry ours without high heat. So it just, it gets air dried in, into a powder.
[00:16:37] And then the powder is taken to what's called a tableting, location and it's automated. And I, the way I refer to it as sort of, sort of like. Imagine pressing it until it equivalent of a teeny tiny muffin tin.
[00:16:51] Jeremy: Okay.
[00:16:51] Catharine: And it's just pressed now. Um, we didn't do anything unusual. I, so I can't take credit for that.
[00:16:57] First of all, mother nature created algae number one, number two, as I mentioned, the Asians, and this is Japan, China, Taiwan. We go ours and Taiwan, which is the world, the gold standard for algae spirulina and chlorella, China, India, they all grow it. But, This is how it's sold there. it took them 60 to 70 years to figure out how to grow this.
[00:17:17] It's a very complicated crop. The Japanese nailed the chlorella first back in the fifties. So we were just lucky that they would sell to us because we're so tiny. And here's the problem. This is why nobody in north America knows about algae.
[00:17:30] So it's all grown 99.9% of it's grown in Asia 99.9% of it is sold Asia. So they have never been interested in the U S but you know, they, they they've been selling it here for the last 50 years, same with Canada, but it has all the same Asian packaging. Pretty much So I met some of these companies when I first started, I said, Hey, would you consider packaging this in a way that makes it easier for people to understand?
[00:17:55] And I was concerned about some of the, growing processes, which, , lead to more toxins getting into the algae. Anyways, long story short, they weren't interested in doing. And the reason why nobody knows about it is because no one's explained what LG is. No, one's gone through the science. Like I said, it's not a shortage of science.
[00:18:11] There's almost too much science. People think it's a supplement. No it's food. , and the quality mostly has been poor because most of it come from China., so you don't know what you're getting when you buy food items from China. So tech companies aren't interested in this because it's a, it's a vegetable.
[00:18:28] Can't patent a vegetables, dry patenting broccoli, and the food industry wasn't interested because they do not launch new market segments. And I remind people, Hey, you know, 10 years ago, you didn't know about chia seed, ki Wawa, uh, even Stevia Mata, most recently collagen there's reasons why we don't know things, but just because we don't know them doesn't mean they're not valuable.
[00:18:52] Um, they've been used in other countries for centuries and it just takes some brave person to, you know, dig in and, uh, and try to explain it. So that's basically what we've been trying to do.
[00:19:02] Jeremy: So I'm gonna, I'm going to do the brave thing and ask a real dumb guy question. Because when I hear algae, especially in the Northwest, I th I think of the algae blooms at the lake and all the warnings that are run for your life, don't go anywhere near this stuff. Is, is, is this a different algae?
[00:19:18] Catharine: Poor algae. Yeah. Algae gets the, gets the bum, the bum deal. And I'll I'll uh, first let me explain what algae is in general and why that's not fair to blame algae for all that stuff. So, so algae, uh, was, first of all, was the first life on earth, almost 4 billion years ago, and they have fossils to prove it.
[00:19:35] And, uh, it's its own food category. It's not a vegetable technically, and it's not a fruit either. So it's his own food. Now algae breaks into two main sub categories. One, we call macro algae and the other one is micro algae. We're going to be talking about micro algae, but let me just confirm what macro LG is, which is basically known as seaweed, dulse, kelp.
[00:19:57] It's that big stringy stuff that does come from the ocean and does wash up on shore has virtually no nutritional value, but it does have a lot of fiber. And iodine. So there are some wonderful redeeming reasons why you should eat. Macroalgae now micro algae is what we're talking about and it's called micro algae because it is so tiny.
[00:20:18] Something like a millions of cells would fit on the head of a pin and micro algae. Is everywhere. It's in the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, the streams, the soil, your swimming pool, your aquarium. Now there are lots of different strains of algae. Two of the ones that we know the most about are blue, green, and green.
[00:20:38] And we're the ones we're going to talk about today. The blue-green algae is called spirulina and the green algae is called chlorella. , and those are the two that are harvested in fresh water as an agricultural. Now, when you read all those other stories about blue-green algae toxic blue-green algae blue.
[00:20:56] Yes. Because there's thousands and thousands of strains of blue-green algae of which one is spirulina. Same with green algae. There's thousands and thousands of strains. Right. Chlorella is one. And there's some articles that, you know, beat up on blue-green algae, and I can promise you that whatever algae they used for the study came from a wild source.
[00:21:16] LG is probably the only thing, the only food group that I can think of where wild is not better it's because algae will absorb whatever's in the water. And so whatever's in the, if it's a toxic water,, then obviously that's going to be, in the algae. So that's number one is everywhere.
[00:21:32] Except the two that we're talking about are, harvested in clean, safe water. Now, the other reason why I say poor LG gets the bum deal on this is because here's the cool thing about algae. It kills bacteria. You probably don't know this, but algae is used in every single water treatment plant.
[00:21:52] Certainly in north America, definitely in Europe, probably the world. Why? Because it kills bacteria. So when you see LG blooms in the water, in the ocean, don't blame algae, it's the cleanup crew. It only shows. Where there's toxins and bacteria, and it's so unfair. And usually there's more of that in the summertime on beach areas, because there's more runoff, there's more people peeing in the ocean, blah, blah, blah.
[00:22:21] But LG is, is, is, is the, um, the ambulance that comes into, take care of a problem., it's not the one that caused the problem, but it's the most visual. So, so that's, I feel badly poor LT gets a.
[00:22:38] Jeremy: okay.
[00:22:40] Catharine: So, , I'm just looking at the packs that I have in front of me. , there's a couple of them that are for energy and, beauty and vitality and one for recovery. Can you explain, what they are and like how, how they're, you know, the different types of algae are, are affecting our body and why they're making a difference.
[00:22:57] Terrific. Great question. So we. Two types of algae, spirulina and chlorella all the way at four brands. And I'll explain the four in a minute. So spirulina has been known for centuries as an energizing algae. So we call ours energy bits because we, you know, spirulina, if you're not familiar with it, it's tough to say tough to spell, tough to remember, how does it give you energy?
[00:23:21] As I mentioned earlier, , spirulina has the highest concentration of protein in the world. And all of that protein is already in amino acid form and it's a complete protein has 18 of the 22. Immunos including the ones your body can't make. Now, when you eat animal protein, it can take up to three days for your body to break it down.
[00:23:40] Into amino acids, so it can be absorbed now. So there's two, this is like a get out of jail card free. When you take spirulina for two reasons, one the proteins already in, I mean also there's no work for your body to do, and that gives you back energy because 15% of your energy is devoted towards digestion.
[00:23:58] And when you don't have to digest it, , that's a bonus. Number two, most people will be amazed to find out that spirulina is technically a bacteria. It does not have a cellulose wall. So all that rich amino acids that are available to be absorbed by your body, are done so instantly it's got 99% bioavailability availability.
[00:24:20] Spirulina also has a very high amount of B vitamins, B vitamins are what convert amino acids. Into energy. It's also loaded with iron iron is what carries oxygen in your blood. So that, and that gives you energy. It's also a, what's called a vassal dilator. Uh, it releases nitric oxide. Um, vasodilators anything that will open up your blood vessels so that your blood can flow faster and bring more oxygen and nutrients to wherever you need it and your brain and your, your muscles.
[00:24:50] If you're in, you know, obviously that. , it's also, spirulina is very high in essential fatty acids, including a mega three, but it has other ones as well, which helped with brain thought and brain functioning. Uh, it also is things like boron, which is very important for sine apses and it's the most alkaline food in the world.
[00:25:08] And when you are working out or doing anything, there's a lot of acidity that's thrown off through the various metabolic processes in your body, which can change the pH of your blood. So your, your hemoglobin actually clump briefly and algae will restore the negative charge around the hemoglobin so they can continue to flow correctly and carry the oxygen and deliver all the great nutrients to you.
[00:25:29] , so , it's the fastest, easiest, nutrient dense. 40 vitamins and minerals, high protein, energizing products, food in the world that takes no efforts, for your body to get access to. So that's why we, when we first started, we were actually a sports nutrition company because the marathon runners or triathletes, Olympic athletes, , NHL players, they discovered us cause it gives a nice, steady energy.
[00:25:54] That's not, there's no caffeine chemicals or sugar, so there's no rush and there's no crap. It's just the best way you describe it. And you just took some I know, and you might not even notice it. We just say you feel free. That's it nothing more, nothing more dramatic. I'm just steady Eddy. So that's spirulina, very energizing, very nourishing feels lots of nutritional gaps.
[00:26:18] It can replace your multivitamin co Q 10. Fish oil, magnesium calcium, because it has all the electrolytes as well. , so it's, it's very, very nourishing. , now when I first started the company, cause you were asking about, you know, the beauty bits, I noticed that women weren't buying it and I asked my girlfriends, literally.
[00:26:35] I said, why do you think women aren't buying my energy, but spirulina, because I started this company as you know, as I mentioned because of my sister. So. Women's health is very important to me and they just said, well, you gotta make it pink and give it a cute name. So, um, I tell you exactly what happened.
[00:26:52] And so, because through Alina is so loaded with antioxidants and so loaded with protein and K2, all of which nourish your skin and your hair and help reduce blemishes and wrinkles and stuff. I thought, okay, I'll make a second brand. And call it beauty beds. So some clever person recently said, well, you've got a boy spirulina and a girl spirulina.
[00:27:12] So, uh, that's pretty much it. I wasn't trying to trick anybody. I just wanted to do whatever it takes to make people feel happy, uh, using this product because once you get it into your body, it knows what to do. It's called an adaptogen. So it, it knows what, what you need. If you don't need any of those nutrients, you won't, you won't absorb them.
[00:27:31] Jeremy: All right. So whether we want the pink box or the blue box, where do we go to get them? Okay,
[00:27:36] Catharine: Energy bits.com.
[00:27:38] Jeremy: there we go.
[00:27:39] Catharine: Oh, well, I need to tell you about chlorella. It's a, it's a completely different allergy. I'm sorry. We didn't know. We had such a short window of time. Chlorella is a detoxing algae and a health and wellness algae. So spirulina is an energizing algae. Chlorella is a wellness algae, so most, uh, and it pulls out toxins.
[00:27:57] It has the hardest cell wall in the plant kingdom. Completely different from spirulina, which has none. So people use it to build their immune system, pull out toxins, and most people end up including lactic acid after workouts or alcohol or heavy metals. We work with biological dentists. And your body goes through a detox repair cycle when you sleep.
[00:28:17] So we generally recommend the chlorella, which we call recovery bits. Cause it helps you recover from anything. Uh, you take, take it at night. So spirulina take it in the morning when you need energy in your house. And take the recovery bits chlorella at night, and we do have a third, a fourth brand. We call it vitality.
[00:28:35] Which is a blend of the two algae in case you just, you know, you want something simple. Um, and we actually have a 20% discount code for your listeners. The code, no surprises fit mess, and that will give you 20% off anything from our website, energy butts.com. We have lots of science there. There's way more, but that'll give you some good grounding, so come and visit us.
[00:28:57] And if you don't want to make a purchase of a big bag or box. You can also go on Amazon and buy single poaches. , for $4, they have, 30 tablets in there. So it's a very easy way to a low cost way to try it out. And we also have a sample pack on our website, so we're not trying to push the product.
[00:29:15] We just want to help people understand what it is.
[00:29:18] Jeremy: Absolutely absolutely great stuff. Looking forward to meeting you. We're but we're all going to be at the biohacking
[00:29:23] NA: Oh, sweet. Oh,
[00:29:25] Jeremy: we'll we'll come up and say hi and,
[00:29:26] NA: All right. You get
[00:29:28] Jeremy: up there. Thank you so much for your time and all the
[00:29:30] Catharine: All right. All right.
[00:29:30] Jeremy: the promo code, we
[00:29:31] Catharine: Okay. All right. Thank you very much.
[00:29:34] Jeremy: That was Katherine Arnstein. She is the CEO and founder of energy bits. She's actually going to be speaking at the biohacking Congress in Miami, later.
[00:29:42] Zach: We're both Jeremy and I are going to be it's on October 16th and 17th. And we would definitely love to see everyone there. So, if you want to join us, go ahead and get your tickets. You can actually get 50% off on-site tickets and live stream admission with the promo code hack 50 H a C k50@thebiohackingcongress.com website. Or you can click on the link on the show notes for this episode@thefitness.com. biohacking Congress is going to be a life-changing weekend with more than 25 famous speakers on biohacking and 20 health companies covering ecological products, digital health devices, and solutions for your health optimization. I personally cannot wait to go geek out on this.
[00:30:25] Jeremy: It is going to be a bio hackers paradise. I'm actually really excited. One of the people that's going to be speaking there. It was an early guest on this show, a BioCurious Kayla, we're going to have to connect with her and check in and, and chat with her.
[00:30:37] She's been talking a lot about hypnosis lately, so I'm excited to see what she's working on with, with all of that. , but funny enough. One of the things that is recommended to me in my activity tracker and another supplement that I have not yet taken is spirulina. So now I know where to get it. I just got to get my energy bits, and then I'm good to go on my spirulina intake. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
[00:30:56] Zach: yeah, I'm actually pretty excited to continue taking the energy bits and algae to see what impact it has on my body. , a lot of the data that she was talking about was really intriguing. So I'm definitely curious about it.
[00:31:10] Jeremy: Yeah. And I've read some of the concerns that are out there that she addresses in the way that their product is made. But the fact that this is something that has grown in water does make it at risk to absorb metals and other toxic things. So whatever source is being used for whatever spirulina you choose to use, uh, just make sure that it's well sourced and that you're not just throwing in a bunch of horrible things into your body, along with the spirulina, that that should be doing a lot of great things for you.
[00:31:34] Zach: And ideally you'll just order some energy baths and you won't have to worry about that
[00:31:38] Zach: at
[00:31:38] Jeremy: that's the fast track. And you can do that. The link by the way, is on our website, the fit mess dot. And while you're looking for things to click on our website, go ahead and sign up for the newsletter. You can follow us on whatever social media platform you're using and of course, subscribe on whatever podcast player you're using. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the fitness. We will be back next Wednesday with a brand new episode.
[00:31:58] Zach: Yeah.

Catharine Arnston
Founder & CEO