Jan. 11, 2022

The Importance of Developing a Winning Mindset to Achieve Your Goals with Barton Guy Bryan

The Importance of Developing a Winning Mindset to Achieve Your Goals with Barton Guy Bryan

Our guest is Barton Guy Bryan, host of The Mindset Forge Podcast.


What do some of the world's elite athletes and performing artists do to mentally prepare to perform when the spotlight shines on them? What can you learn from them so you can show it better as a parent, partner, friend, employee, or just for yourself?

Those are some of the questions our guest this week seeks to answer in his own podcast. Barton Guy Bryan is an athlete, a coach, a singer, and the host of The Mindset Forge Podcast. We talk with him about what he's learned from dozens of interviews with top performers to help you show up for the biggest moments of your life. 

What We Discuss with Barton:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 2:05 Jeremy’s Mindset Shift
  • 3:34 Zach’s Mindset Shift
  • 6:32 Why Mindset Matters
  • 9:11 Pushing our own buttons
  • 10:03 Mindset shift challenges
  • 13:10 Competitive Mindset
  • 14:53 Mental health challenges
  • 19:41 Breaking bad habits
  • 25:51 Habits of high performers
  • 29:41 The Mindset Forge Podcast
  • 33:29 Key takeaways

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[00:00:00] Jeremy: What do some of the world's elite athletes and performing artists do to mentally prepare to perform when the spotlight shines on them. And what can you learn from them? So you can show it better as a parent friend employee, or just for yourself.

[00:00:12] Zach : Those are some of the questions our guests this week seeks to answer in his own podcast. Art and Brian is an athlete, a coach, a singer, and the host of the mindset forge podcast. We'll talk to him about what he's learned from dozens of interviews, top performers, to help you show up for the biggest moments of your life. 

[00:00:54] Jeremy: Welcome to the pit mess. Thanks for listening while you're doing whatever it is you're doing right now. I'm Jeremy and he's Zach and together we're two vulnerable guys helping you to overcome. to achieve your mental and physical wellness goals.

[00:01:04] Zach : Today, we're talking about building a better mindset, so you can truly reach your goals, accomplish your dreams and just to live a better life with more intention, or in my case, if you want to be in the ultra competitive sport of vacuuming, you're in for a real treat.

[00:01:17] Jeremy: You got some, you got some vacuuming issues.

[00:01:20] Zach : I have a therapist I talked to, I talked to him about these things.

[00:01:23] Jeremy: good, good.

[00:01:24] Zach : He also calls me weird, which I feel like is a bad thing for your therapist to say,

[00:01:28] Jeremy: weird. Yeah, I don't. I thought it was a judgment free zone. That's not, that's not right. A

[00:01:32] Zach : yeah, no, it's, it's interesting when the, when the therapist was like, yeah, I know, um, tab, please. I'm done I'm out. I don't want to work with you

[00:01:41] Jeremy: it's only been 12 minutes.

[00:01:42] Zach : I've only talked to you about the first six months of my life.

[00:01:47] Jeremy: All right. Well, there's a, there's a lot of talk about mindset in this self-development space. And we talk about it a lot here and over the years I've heard from people they ask over and over, how do you do it? You know, life is too much. Sometimes it gets in the way. How do you just decide or stay motivated to keep going for whatever the desired outcome is that you're pursuing? Well, we'll get some great advice on that from our guest in just a moment, but there's one example I have from my life that always stands out. And I know I've told this story on the show before, but it really is the beginning of what started my wellness journey.

[00:02:15] And it was a knee injury. That turned into, going to a physical therapist who said, you know, you got to get on a bike. If you want to save your knees, cause your knees are going to be bad. And I just remember thinking immediately, like there's no way I don't have time. I don't have the energy. That sounds horrible.

[00:02:28] That sounds dangerous. And I remember having a conversation with my brother and he was the one that said, you just have to decide that you're that weird guy, that bikes to work every day, go buy some used bike and just start riding to work. And for whatever reason that clicked, like the moment he said it, I became that guy.

[00:02:46] I know I have other moments like that, like deciding to move to Canada, there's been a bunch of stuff where I've made these really definitive decisions, but that one really stands out as this moment where it just became super clear. And that led to a bunch of other changes that led to diet changes, workout changes, going to therapy, starting to meditate and better living.

[00:03:08] And I remember thinking, If someone had said, you need to start riding your bike every day, meditating, going to therapy, doing these things. There's no way just reading the list alone would have stopped me from making any progress. But by starting that one thing, it put me on a journey and I just will never forget that click that moment of, oh yeah.

[00:03:26] I'm that guy now. And the ability to make that decision is not an easy one for a lot of people that comes at rock bottom.

[00:03:32] Zach : And sometimes it doesn't always click like that. I remember, , I had a similar moment, but it was after I started running and it was a , weird moment where, I was smoking and I was drinking soda and eating a McDonald's and then I started running and. I don't know, like there was no mindset change.

[00:03:50] It was just all of a sudden I was like just running and I was losing weight and I quit smoking and doing all that stuff. And then for Christmas I got, , for my sister-in-law, I got one of those, running belts that had two small bottles

[00:04:03] Jeremy: Oh sure. The water bottles. Yeah.

[00:04:04] Zach : Like the water bottles, like runner's belt.

[00:04:07] I remember opening it going, well, what the fuck did I get this?

[00:04:11] Jeremy: Right.

[00:04:12] Zach : and then I had that moment of like, oh, wait a minute, you're a runner. You're like doing things. And people recognize that and you are that guy. And then all of a sudden, like it just took off from there and it was like, well, let me try riding my bike can, let me try swimming.

[00:04:28] Let me try a triathlon. Let me try lifting weights. It was, , one little thing at a time, but I remember that moment of opening that package and going, what the hell?

[00:04:35] Jeremy: Yeah.

[00:04:36] Zach : This isn't.

[00:04:37] Jeremy: it's funny how it can work both ways. Right? Like in my case, the mindset happened first and. The fake it till you make it turned into making it it's, it really can go either way. If you're having a hard time with the mental gymnastics of I'm the person that takes an hour walk every day, or I'm the person that walks my dog every day, or I'm the person that goes to the gym, I'm the person that eats better, whatever, whatever the thing is, then just start doing it, right?

[00:05:00] Like just whatever the small step is of, you know, swap out one meal, swap out one snack, stop drinking soda, . Find one thing and just start doing it. And all of a sudden it'll lead to the other things that you, one day you'll get that gift and you'll go, I can't believe that I'm this person now. 

[00:05:15] Zach : Well, we, again, we talk about it all the time. , whether your, goal is to, , eat right. Whether your goal is to exercise, whether your goal is to meditate, whatever it is, it really all starts with mindset. And I think one of the things that I really had to learn, and it took me a long, long time to learn it because I actually had to unlearn it.

[00:05:35] , was that the way you think and the way your internal dialogue. Can change. It doesn't have to be that way, but it does take a long time to make that switch to, I can do this. The glass is half full. This can happen. I can be that. If your mindset is leaning towards the other.

[00:05:54] Jeremy: And a great way to get there is by feeding your mind with a lot of positive affirmations, positive information and podcasts that are full of great interviews like this one, and like the one hosted by our guests this week. His name is Barton Bryan. He's the host of the mindset forge podcast.

[00:06:10] It's a great show where he talks to a lot of the top performing athletes and performing artists in the world to find out how they get into the proper mindset to function at the levels that they do every day and how you can take those lessons to apply them to your own. To develop the kind of mindset you need to accomplish your goals.

[00:06:26] We started the interview by asking him why he thinks mindset is so important. 

[00:06:31] Barton Bryan: like all, a lot of people you look back at your life and you think about what are those moments where a paradigm shift happened and it usually isn't around. An event that happened. It's how we responded to that event or what we learned from that event. And so what I started to look at and I have these two stories going on throughout the totality of my life is one of me as an artist, as a singer, as an actor, and then me as an athlete, bodybuilder basketball player.

[00:07:02] And there's just a lot of. Commonalities in terms of how I did really well and showed up in some of the moments in my life and also how I did not and how my mindset was way off. And then as I, as I'm a father now and a coach, and I do a lot of things, I'm fascinated by. Where are those pieces of nuggets or information that people have to share can really help myself and other people really explore better ways of doing things because showing up and I kind of use this general term, like for the big moments of your life.

[00:07:35] Not just like I'm in a race and I'm trying to be the first one to work, to finish. Right. It's, it's sewing up for your kids, sewing up at the gym every day for yourself. It's showing up for your spouse, for your, your job and all that kind of stuff. And so there's, there's performance aspects to that, the wrap around and kind of how we show up how we process, how we prepare.

[00:07:57] How we settle our nerves in the big moments that we need to be at our best for. And so that's just been helped me that I've always been fascinated by, from being a performer on stage, doing a one person show or singing. And then the other side of it is being a basketball player, being an athlete, having to squat 300 pounds and be present for that moment so that I don't hurt myself.

[00:08:19] So there's just, there's so many little kind of aspects of that that are similar and exciting and fascinating to me. So that's why I want to share. So I'm 

[00:08:29] Zach: curious. I know for me, even if I'm doing something like vacuuming the living room, something like that, I always have this picture in my head. What if there was someone else here I was competing against her.

[00:08:41] Everyone was watching me vacuuming and just in my eye, it kind of shifts my mindset to, I'm going to do the best job I can possibly do here. Is that common or am 

[00:08:52] Barton Bryan: I way off in left field on that one? I definitely think you have a. Competitive bug that, that, that you can turn on and it shows, it takes you to a level that you enjoy being at.

[00:09:05] Jeremy: I think it's a problem, honestly. I think there's something, something very wrong, Zach. 

[00:09:10] Barton Bryan: Well, I would challenge. Why are you backing me? You hired somebody to vacuum for you, but, uh, no. I think that's, we all have different kind of like on, off switches in our personality. And I think we have to figure out what's going to really turn on the right things because you could turn off, you could say before a race or before an event, you could, you could channel something, but it could just make you really excited and an anxious.

[00:09:37] But that might not turn out well, if you're, if it's about how your body processes or, or moves, like if you have too much tension because you have too much excitement and anxiety, that's not a good thing. So we have to figure out what are the buttons that we can push to get ourselves into the best possible state for performance.

[00:09:56] Jeremy: So I'm curious about that. What are some, I mean, you've, you have a long history in personal training, you help people with managing this kind of stuff. What are some of the biggest and maybe most common challenges that people have getting their head in that, in that space, making that mindset shift to accomplish whatever it is they're accomplishing, vacuuming the floor or winning the race?

[00:10:17] Barton Bryan: Well, I think we oftentimes put so much emphasis on something outside of. I will give you a perfect example. The industry of pre-work. Powders. And I see so many people 

[00:10:31] Jeremy: talking about this stuff. I 

[00:10:32] Barton Bryan: gotta take my pre-workout. I got there down in a five-hour energy before they go to the gym or whatever, like as if some stimulant that we put into our body is going to give us the right mindset to show up.

[00:10:46] And that's just kind of a easy example of how is where we, when we were talking about showing up with something, it really is about what is your purpose? What is your underlying reason you're there. Right? And so let's just take working out like the, the act of working out, like, yes, it's important to work out.

[00:11:05] We all know that the entire world knows that at this point, it's not getting people to the gym or on the trail or on their bike. Right. We have to find a reason for like our, why that in a sense, turns us on enough where it's the harder things kind of, we figure those out. Right. Like I have to have a priority system that says, you know what, I've got a lot to do today.

[00:11:31] Kids drop off, pick up whatever, all these things I'm still going to get to the gym. I'm still going to get my workout in because if I do that consistently, I'm going to achieve whatever I'm setting out to achieve. And for somebody who doesn't have like a lifelong habit of doing that, that's a lot harder than somebody who was an athlete all the way through high school or college.

[00:11:51] And, and they've been doing that their whole life. So if that's not somebody, if that's not something that somebody automatically has, then my recommendation is kind of take it one little baby step at a time so that you don't give yourself this overarching goal. Like, Hey, I have never worked out now. I'm going to work out six days a week for 90 minutes.

[00:12:13] Yeah, no, probably not, probably not going to be successful at that, but going on a walk three days a week. Hitting the gym once a week. Like that might be very achievable and therefore a much better approach than just dive into the deep end. With six days a week. 

[00:12:30] Zach: I didn't start off in life. Competitive.

[00:12:32] This like built in my twenties. I was, I was very, very reserved, shy. Didn't want to stand out any, I don't really want to stand out now, but I want to be the best whenever I do. So starting small is one of those great things on like, if you want to work out, start small on that, but like, For me, it's really hard to change my mind around those, those ideas.

[00:12:55] Right. So whatever it is, if I'm going to vacuum, I'm going to do it the best. Like sometimes you gotta turn that down. Right? How do you, how do you manage between the two of like, I'm going to do what I can 

[00:13:08] Barton Bryan: do here, 

[00:13:09] Zach: but over 

[00:13:09] Barton Bryan: here, I need to slow it down a little bit. Now with your, with your personality type, you're going to be somebody who probably is a lot easier to go all in a much more quickly.

[00:13:20] Cause you're, you're, you're kind of driven to be your best at whatever you take on right back, you mean or whatever. And I think that the, so how I would coach you in a situation like that is, is this give you some parameters where it's like, Hey, we've got to make sure that. Recovering just as well as we're exercising and to try to give you the big picture so that somebody like yourself may end up at the gym a lot and just not actually recovering at all because you're over-training, or you're, you're just pounding on your joints out too much, and you're creating too much stress in the body and that's not awful, not, not healthy either.

[00:13:57] So it's and you see a lot of those people who kind of either. Just got into fitness and overdo it, or have never really figured out the rhythm of their body and how it needs that rest and recovery. And it also needs the appropriate amount of work. And so that's just kind of the maturity of understanding your body and understanding what it needs to get, what you want.

[00:14:21] Jeremy: What I know of, of you Barton and use Zack, as you both seem like people that have been driven. Pretty much your entire life and just always striving to be the best wanting to, to accomplish things. Maybe Zach's came a little bit later, but from what I've read about you, Barton, that seems to describe you that you've always really fought for, for success and accomplishment.

[00:14:43] Someone like me, who's new to the game only in the last few years, deciding to hit, to take care of my personal health, my physical health, my mental health, emotional health. And I know people that like me battle with mental health, we hear this, just take the smallest steps. Do the things go to the gym, even when you don't feel like it.

[00:15:01] Sometimes literally getting out of bed is the biggest accomplishment of the day. So how does someone who's, who's maybe dealing with those challenges of mental health or. Just not being familiar with being able to put yourself in a, in a mindset for success. How do you, how do you make the leap from, from just struggling to get out of bed to actually doing the thing?

[00:15:25] Barton Bryan: It's a great question, because I think one of the hardest things for people to have is perspective on what is success and what isn't. I think we often project onto ourselves. Well, I'm not healthy and healthy looks like this. And they imagine like a guy with 8% body fat at the gym, six days a week with abs and, and all these things that they don't have, or, or just some really healthy lifestyle that they're so far from when in reality.

[00:15:58] Like, if we go from a, to B, that's a huge leap of health improvement and then B to C, but we can't go from a to Z or eight, eight, even H right. We have to go in the proper steps. And so the challenge too, when you talk about like new year's resolutions is the biggest kind of conundrum of all is like, we tend to put so many.

[00:16:24] Kind of behavior changes or goals in our new year's resolution that we almost are just setting ourselves up for failure. When, if we actually said, Hey, you know what, right now I'm going to get out of bed, you know, at the same time every day and do that for three weeks. And then three weeks later, I'm going to get out of bed.

[00:16:46] I'm going to take my dog for a 20 minute walk and come back. I'm going to do that every day. For three weeks, right? Like that's a very hard thing for people to do on their own because I think we're, we're when we get to a place where we know we're not healthy, we in, it's probably human nature. We want to get out of it as fast as possible.

[00:17:07] Once we have self-awareness that like, I'm not healthy right now. I'm not doing well. I want to leap out of this whole. Instead of like you ever heard this story of like the donkey falls in the well, and the farmer's like, well, it's too much money to pull them out. So we're just going to bury him. So they started shoveling dirt on the donkey and the donkey to shakes the dirt off its back and steps up, shakes the dirt off.

[00:17:31] And after like two to two hours, the doctor just walks out of the well and like goes and I mean, it's kind of a tragic story. If you're for donkey, you think about whether my farmer, what, why did he, but the point of that is, is that like nobody can leap out of the well and get healthy. We have to take these little incremental steps.

[00:17:52] And I say all that to say, The best thing that I ever did in 2021 was I hired a personal trainer and I'm a personal trainer. Right. I didn't need them for accountability, but I wanted a personal trainer to write my programming for me so that I didn't have to go into the gym and think about like, okay, like I just want.

[00:18:14] A really smart guy to plan out the next three months of my life so that I had goals and metrics and things like that. Because as yes, I am driven. If I see a number on a sheet, I've got to get this amount of weight tomorrow, then I'm going to get excited about that. I'm going to show up to the gym differently than if I just walked into the gym or like, I wonder what I'm going to do today.

[00:18:32] I think we'll do bench, right. Which is half the men in the world that just it's Monday. It's just date. Right? Like, but having a program and having accountability around somebody helping me change the whole way I showed up. That 

[00:18:49] Zach: makes sense. I've got something similar going on right now with myself, where the coach that I'm, I'm going to see.

[00:18:57] I know I can just show up and I can do whatever it is she's telling me to do. If I'm doing it wrong, she's going to be there in just a second. And she's going to tell me what I need to do to do it right. Even yesterday morning, she spent way too much time with me because I was doing something really, really wrong.

[00:19:15] But by the end of the day, like it was my goal for that day to get that and be better at it. But now it's like my weekly goal of I'm going to practice that every week. And I'm going to get there. I'm going to get better at it. And you were like, I don't think you actually said the word, but you were just talking about habits, right?

[00:19:34] Barton Bryan: I mean, this is so hard for people. 

[00:19:37] Zach: W what's the, what's the biggest issue you see with people? Just not being 

[00:19:41] Barton Bryan: able to follow through with habits? A lot of it boils down to patients and self-acceptance because if I don't, if I don't like who I am. That I want to change, which can, can create new behavior patterns and create the desire to have new habits, but that can also create a desperation or a, an intensity that doesn't allow true growth to happen.

[00:20:09] Is anything really worth learning takes time, right? Whether it's meditation, whether it's a technique in squatting or you're doing some. You exercise that you're trying to master, like anything that's worth mastering. It's going to take a lot of reps, a lot of hours. And a lot of people just don't have the patience for that.

[00:20:30] So they go in and they kind of do it their way. And then they either don't see immediate results. And so they get frustrated or they get hurt and then they get frustrated. But I think if, if people are. Had a little bit more self-acceptance around like, Hey, you know what? This is where I'm at. It took me years to get here.

[00:20:50] It should take me years to get to where I want to go. If it took a month, it would be too easy. And nobody would even like, you know what I mean? Like we wouldn't be doing this podcast if it was that easy. Sure. It'd be a podcast called the fitness. But also I think too, we, part of the struggle in the journey is.

[00:21:10] It's why we have confidence coming out of it. Like you're talking about, man, I go in there and she's watching me and she's checking my form if I'm doing it wrong. Like, that's just like, that's, that's color into the S the story of you getting healthy. And when you get to the point where people call you out at gym, like, how do I get as healthy as you you'll remember all of these steps, it took you to get there and you'd be like, You can do it too.

[00:21:39] Right. But it's going to be harder than you think. And it's going to take longer than you think, and it's going to be better than what you thought it would be. You, 

[00:21:48] Jeremy: you mentioned the struggle and again, I look at a guy like you, you're in great shape. Your, your story is, is full of success stories. I'd love to hear about a time when there wasn't success.

[00:21:58] When, when you couldn't get in the right mind. Fell down trying to do whatever it was. Tell me about a time in your life, on your journey when, when the struggle was just too much and, and you maybe didn't see the results or, or, or accomplished the thing you were hoping to accomplish. 

[00:22:14] Barton Bryan: Sure. I I'm in a really healthy place in my life, but I haven't always been there.

[00:22:20] And I think it's easy for people to see me. Oh yeah. You're probably always been athletic and healthy and I'm tall. I'm six, four. So you can hide a lot of softness in a six, four frame without people really noticing. But a little over two years ago, I was 245 pounds. I'll tell you. I'm a two 20 now and I was.

[00:22:43] Not living my best life health wise. I had a five-year-old son at amazing marriage. Like a lot was going well, my career was doing fine, all those things, but I was not leading myself. Well, I had kind of let go of some habits that I had built at different points in my life. I wasn't leading myself well, and I actually started listening to podcasts to kind of start to empower and kind of fuel that desire to get better.

[00:23:12] And so I went on a weight loss journey in June of 2000. Nick was sales and 18 or 19. And I actually elicited the advice, a couple of my friends who were personal trainers just to kind of keep me accountable. And, and I went through this time. Going from kind of like, eh, I'll just have a beer before bed or like, I'll just have a little bit more of another one of those, like just soft in my habits now.

[00:23:38] I mean, your, your body is obviously is not obviously, but your body is sometimes a representation of how you live your life. And so I just locked in and I said, I'm going to figure this out. And when I was in my thirties high metabolism, it took me a lot quicker to drop weight and get healthy again. But this time it did not, it was, I was 44.

[00:24:04] It. It was a little bit more of a grind and I didn't happen quite as fast. I kept pulling my calf muscle going on jogs and I get a calf strain and I couldn't jog. And then it's like all these little things, but I started saying, you know, kind of the, uh, Jacko will it good? Like if I got a cast string, good.

[00:24:24] It's like, I was always, I was like, you know what, nothing was going to knock me down because I knew that that wasn't who I was. That that guy. I was great on certain levels, but on, on, when it came to habits, when it came to leading myself well and therefore leading others, well, I was not my best self and I didn't want to be that.

[00:24:43] I w I knew who I wanted to be in, who I was supposed to be. And so I just started saying, okay, I'm going to figure this out. I'm going to make and make it happen. And it took six to eight months to really get to a place where I was really healthy. And then I set new goals from there and, and all that kind of stuff.

[00:25:00] So. I think it's totally normal that people ebb and flow in their life when it comes to health and focus and goals. I mean, it's rare that somebody is locked in health-wise their entire life without bumps along the way where they kind of let go or get injured and they can't work out. Yeah. 

[00:25:21] Zach: I love the good, right.

[00:25:23] I've I've been using that one for a couple of years now, too. Like my, I broke my. I said good. It gave me the opportunity to like reset all my baselines and get healthy again. So I love to hear that someone else is using that too. But I want to ask you with your podcast, you've talked to tons and tons of people.

[00:25:42] What are like one or two, like really common threads that you hear from everyone that you're talking to about mindset and top performers. 

[00:25:51] Barton Bryan: First of all, I think that failure is. Uh, lesson something to learn from and something to come with, lean into, if we can detach this, like feeling of like not enoughness or abandonment or whatever that thing is that like makes us want to stay away from failure.

[00:26:09] We would realize that we are learning. We are going to learn so much from the failure, probably more so than the victory. And so just, just the constantly trying to figure out from a failure. What, what happened? What went wrong? Where was I responsible for that failure or work at? What can I learn from that?

[00:26:29] And then move on from there and kind of grow from that. And then secondly, like just being a constant kind of coachable learner, somebody who's not. It doesn't have it all figured out and talking to ex Olympians or top athletes or Broadway dancers, but none of them have this ego. Like, let me tell you what I know.

[00:26:54] It's all, it's always this place of like curiosity and like growth and, and just trying to understand everything kind of what's the next step. Well, how do I, how do I grow from here? So I think those are the two key commonalities. I'm sure there's more, but those two, the ones that kind of stick out to me 

[00:27:13] Jeremy: and I guess sort of maybe the answer is the same, but for someone listening to this and they struggled to make that decision to be a better person, he'd better run more, whatever, whatever the thing is.

[00:27:23] Yeah. What advice do you have for them to, to make that mental shift? Is the, is there some trick that you tell people, like you just got to start doing this, like just a real, real easy entry point for someone who wants to make some change and just has, uh, has trouble flipping that.

[00:27:41] Barton Bryan: Well, I would preface this by saying everyone's a little bit different. Like if I'm coaching Zach, like I'm going to push a couple of buttons for Zach that I know is going to get him fired up about get no moving in the direction he's going. If I'm coaching you, Jeremy, I might have a totally different perspective, but I think in general, first of all, you got to set a goal or.

[00:28:06] Kind of a destination that you really, they really turns you on like that you're like, man, if that was my world, if that was me, I can't wait to feel that. Right. And try to just try to really viscerally feel like what it's going to be like when I'm the person I think I'm supposed to be. And then the other thing is I think with it helped me was I just told people.

[00:28:31] I am on a journey right now. I'm so excited about it. I don't know where it's going to take me. I don't know how many obstacles are going to fall in my way, but I am so fired up about the journey I'm on. And I just want you to know about it because I want you, I care about you and I know you care about me and I just want you to know that this is a part of who I am right now.

[00:28:51] And so if, if you, if you see anything or you want to give me advice or, you know, I'd love to hear it, but. I just, it's more, it's not about getting them to be your coach just about to tell them because the more you put it out there, I think the more real it gets, like if I wake up and I'm like, like only to myself saying I'm going to be better.

[00:29:11] I have accountability to myself, but if I'm not good at being accountable, then I'm probably going to drop off that, that goal pretty quick. But if Jeremy, you told Zach and you told three other people and you know, and this created a little bit more accountability and community around that goal of yours around that journey, you're going on.

[00:29:29] I think that would be really helpful. 

[00:29:32] Jeremy: So then I guess in closing, we, we hinted at the podcast, tell us all about the mindset forge podcast and where we can learn more about it. 

[00:29:41] Barton Bryan: Absolutely. So, first of all, I am not the expert in performance mindset. I associate myself with you guys in terms of I am on a journey myself.

[00:29:50] I'm learning as much as I can. I'm just trying to be open to ideas and information that's out there that can make me a little bit better. And so this podcast, the mindset for just really interviewing actors, singers, performing artists in general, and then also athletes and. Anything that relates to showing up for the big moments of their lives and that doesn't always have to do with like an MMA fighter.

[00:30:16] I just interviewed, like, doesn't always have to do with the, with the octagon and what he does to prepare for the Okta Dawn, but there's so many. Parallels between preparing for big moments in sport or in performance, and then also in life business, being a dad, all those things. And so there's, the conversation always starts with your S your sport or your performance art and how that.

[00:30:40] To kind of who you are, what you've done and what your story is. So sharing stories, sharing ideas, takeaways. I always try to leave the audience with one or two little nuggets that they can implement. Right, right then and there, I just interviewed a guy who coaches MMA fighters. And you talked about breathing and how you can get your body in a parasympathetic state.

[00:31:00] If you've got a lot of nerves and anxiety and I'm like, that is something, somebody. Could you use before they walked into a presentation before they walked into a big meeting with their boss or before they walked into a performance of sorts. And so that that's the idea behind it. And I like to kind of pick and choose people that I feel like how fascinating stories and, and would help other people.

[00:31:25] And where do we find it? If you Google or go to your podcast app and put mindset forge you pretty much going to hit it, right? If you just put mindset in, there's a lot of podcasts with the word mindset in it, but if you put minds at forge, can't miss me 

[00:31:42] Jeremy: and we'll, we'll help by putting links to that in the show notes for this episode@thefitness.com Barton, really fun talking to you as always.

[00:31:49] Thanks so much for taking some time and being on the show with. 

[00:31:52] Barton Bryan: Absolutely with so much fun, Zach. Great to meet you and great job. You too. 

[00:31:56] Jeremy: That was Barton Brian host of the mindset forge podcast, you can find out more about him and his podcast in the show notes for this episode at the fitness doc.

[00:32:04] Zach : And if after hearing all of that, you're thinking about what's that one thing that you can do? I highly recommend athletic greens. I started taking athletic greens because I really needed to have a sufficient. That tasted great, gave me all the things that I needed. , and I didn't want to have to take 10 pills a day or, spend all of my time cooking all the meals.

[00:32:27] I try and get my nutrients from food, but let's face it. We don't get everything we need every day from food. So athletic greens was a great solution for me. It tastes great. Gives me everything I need for more energy, better gut health optimized immune system. 

[00:32:41] If you're keto, paleo vegan, dairy-free gluten-free athletic greens has covered, , it has less than a gram of sugar and there's no nasty chemicals or artificial anything. And it actually does taste good. And for what you get, it's less than $3.

[00:32:54] Jeremy: Which is far less than the amount I'm paying to swallow my fistfuls of vitamins every day.

[00:32:59] Zach : Exactly. and right now is the time to incorporate better health and athletic greens is a perfect start to make it easy.

[00:33:05] Athletic greens is going to give you a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit athletic greens.com/fit mass. Again, that's athletic greens.com/fit. Mess to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance.

[00:33:25] that link will be on the show notes and it's plastered all over our website@thefitness.com.

[00:33:29] Jeremy: So to wrap up our conversation with Barton, Brian, , so many of the things we talk about so often on this show, when it comes to having the right mindset to go after your goals, it's all about having a why it's all about starting with those small steps. And if you're not born with that drive to vacuum, like. Then then you vacuum like an idiot for awhile until you get good at it. And then all of a sudden you'll see the marks in the, in the carpet and be like, wow, I can really vacuum this floor, like a champ. And then someone gets you a new vacuum for Christmas and you're like, what? Why did I get a new vacuum?

[00:33:58] This is weird

[00:33:59] Zach : Because you're that guy.

[00:34:00] Jeremy: you're that guy that can vacuum now. Right? Zack.

[00:34:03] Zach : Exactly. Except don't look at my carpet cause there's worn away. Parts of the carpet. I got a little over the top on it.

[00:34:11] Jeremy: Well, maybe you need a new carpet for Christmas anyway. don't let the conversation about building a better mindset and.

[00:34:16] Zach : Be a part of our Facebook group where you can join us and other fellow fitness listeners for monthly challenges and accountability to reach your goals and connections with our community.

[00:34:25] Jeremy: That link is also on our website where we will be back next week with a brand new episode featuring Cheryl McKagan. She's the founder and editor of heal nourish grow. It's a great wellness, healthy lifestyle and advanced nutrition website. Lots of great resources to get your diet and fitness routine on track.

[00:34:40] You'll find that next week@thefitmass.com. Thanks for listening. 

Barton Guy Bryan Profile Photo

Barton Guy Bryan

Trainer, podcast host, director for Camp Gladiator

Barton lives in Austin, TX with his wife Valerie and their 7-year-old son, Jack. Barton's been a personal trainer for 13 years. Barton and his family love outdoor hikes, traveling, and living a healthy lifestyle. His background in the arts, sports, and working in Africa all inform his unique perspective.

Barton hung up his basketball shoes after high school and decided to pursue music; specifically vocal performance. He never sang at Davis High School, but when he arrived in San Diego, CA for college, he went for it! Barton sang in operas like "Marriage of Figaro" and "La Boheme," took acting classes and performed a solo concert to receive his BA in Music. Before graduation, he spent a year in Aix-en-Provence studying French and traveling Europe and North Africa. Barton's two trips to Morocco instilled in him a curiosity and profound respect for the diverse cultures of West Africa. Once back in the US, he applied for the Peace Corps so he could travel back to Africa and immerse himself in the culture and learn about their way of life. Barton spent two years in Diadjibine, a small village of 2,500 people in Southern Mauritania, West Africa. As a Peace Corp volunteer, he taught English, helped build water pumps, and started a solar-powered computer center. The time in Mauritania shaped Barton's mindset on the importance of community, teamwork, leadership, and supporting hard-working people who don't have the resources Americans have at their fingertips.

After Peace Corps, Barton moved to New York Ci… Read More

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