Aug. 30, 2022

The Lessons Your Scars Can Teach You With Lola Mormino

The Lessons Your Scars Can Teach You With Lola Mormino

Our guest is Lola Mormino who went from cancer survivor to one of the youngest gym owners in the country.


Our guest is Lola Mormino. She went from cancer survivor to one of the youngest gym owners in the country.


Lola Mormino is no average 20-year-old. Born with a 2.5-pound tumor attached to her tailbone, Mormino was not expected to survive long. However, the fighting spirit that Mormino embodied at a young age helped her conquer that early battle. Between the ages of 7 and 15, Mormino also battled a condition that caused her to pass out at a moment’s notice. While these major health hurdles caused her to end her promising hockey career, the California native learned some difficult lessons in perseverance at an early age.

In this inspiring episode of The Fit Mess, she shares how her health struggles actually propelled her on her health and fitness journey which lead her to start her own business, Lola Mormino Fitness, and to become one of the youngest gym owners in the country. 

What We Discuss with Lola:

  • Goals - focus like a laser and don’t get distracted from achieving them
  • Motivation: being driven by overcoming obstacles, what happens when the obstacles are no longer there?  
  • Create a support system - find a trainer, coach, friend, therapist…someone you can open up to and share your mess with. 
  • Most of the battle to get fit is mental and it’s a lot easier with help

Don’t let the conversation end there. Join us in our Facebook Group where you and fellow Fit Mess listeners can connect for monthly challenges, accountability to reach your goals, and a supportive community. 

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[00:00:00] Jeremy: coming up today on the fit mess. 

[00:00:02] Lola Mormino: my comfort zone was living in fear. But to break out of that was the best thing I could have ever been through.

[00:00:09] Zach: That's Lola Morino she's the inspiring 20 year old founder of Lola's house, a private training facility near LA. Today. We'll talk to her about how someone so young has made an impressive impact on the fitness community, despite facing major health challenges.

[00:00:23] Literally from the day she was born.


[00:00:46] Jeremy: Zach, we talk a lot on the show about motivation and how it is something that you need to create. It is something that is a byproduct of just taking the action toward the goals and the things that you care about that you want to prioritize in your life. Inspiration.

[00:01:00] However, I think is something different.

[00:01:02] Sometimes you do need some outside source something to just give you a kick in the ass and get you going in the right direction to do the thing that you care about. I think that's different than motivation. And I think it's easy to mix the two things up our guest today. Lola Morino I think her story may be that inspiration that someone out there needs to light that fire to really go after the thing that they care.

[00:01:23] Zach: Yeah, I agree with that. I'm I'm already like doing pretty well on the, you know, like physical fitness and eating and kind of the mindset stuff. But just in talking with her, I just was inspired by her story and how much she's accomplished, you know, despite all of the things that she's faced. And there's more I could do.

[00:01:42] Right. The, like, I, I was starting to feel like I was okay. I was good. This is all right. But you know what? There's always more I can do. Um, so it was actually even inspiring to me to, you know, just push a little bit harder to, to get one more thing done to, to take a little bit more action. You know, one of the things that struck me when we were talking to her was like just living every day and enjoying that day. Having my goals, having my things, but like, you know, it's just that day. So just like enjoy it to the fullest and do everything that you want to do. Even if you don't wanna do it, do it anyway.

[00:02:16] Jeremy: And I know listening to an interview like this tends to have one of two effects on people. It either inspires you to take action and do that thing, or it makes you feel like crap for not having done the thing yet at whatever point you're at in your life. She's got some great advice for both of you.

[00:02:32] However you hear this interview that will inspire you nonetheless. Find compassion and find a way forward because if she's overcome the things she's overcome, the rest of us can certainly take a page outta her book , to accomplish our goals, 

[00:02:49] Zach: as you're gonna hear in the interview eating the right things and fueling your body in the right way. Can have a meaningful change in the way you feel in your health overall health. That's why I started taking athletic grades.


[00:04:09] Jeremy: Our guest today is Lola more Mino. She's a cancer survivor, and that's literally where her health challenges start. 

[00:04:16] What she's overcome since then has helped her become one of the youngest gym owners in the country. So we invited her on the show to share how she got to where she is today. 

[00:04:24] Lola Mormino: the main reason why. I have a gym right now and why I am a personal trainer is because I've grown up with, uh, a bunch of different health issues. , for example, I was born with cancer. So from birth, I was, you know, working through things that some people might not experience in their lifetime. , I've had hip surgery that was at age 11, I believe.

[00:04:47] I've been paralyzing the knees down for about three weeks. That was at age 10. I've had autoimmune diseases that, , range from, you know, passing out at any given moment to barely being able to get outta bed. That those range from ages seven to 15 and, , yeah, just really struggling with all different kinds of health obstacles and finding ways to work through them versus obviously just give up. Throughout those years. I also took up ice hockey I'm from Chicago. So that's why it's, you know, I'm playing ice hockey. But,

[00:05:23] Jeremy: Sure sure.

[00:05:24] Lola Mormino: , I started that at age 10 and that was right before I became paralyzed. So when I was 10, I was all in, I was, you know, like obsessed with the sport. I wanted to do nothing but play.

[00:05:36] , and. When, you know, my, my issues with walking began, I was like, this is just like I have to, the doctor was like, you know, you're not gonna be able to, to walk again. We don't know when you're going to be able to. So when I hear that, I'm like, well, I just took up a sport that I'm in love with like, how am I supposed to, you know, just stop.

[00:05:57] Stop playing that's that's not gonna work. So, , throughout all these issues that I've had, I've learned how to, like I said, work through things and just not give up. And once I had healed from all of my health issues, I began training for the Olympics, uh, in 2018. And the last health issue that I had was in 28, the end of 2018, I was doing pretty well.

[00:06:21] And then this last thing hit me. , and everyone thought I wasn't gonna make it through from the nurses to family, to friends, it basically looked like I was dying and it was just, um, episodes ranging from eight minutes to 20 minutes a day. Of just, you know, losing basically all consciousness. So that had caused me to stop playing hockey because I was like, I have to get my health in check.

[00:06:47] Like it's not even enjoyable anymore for me to play because I can barely get through a game now. , so I had quit playing and just put all my focus on my health. And there was one doctor that had found, you know, four pages worth of issues that I've had my whole life and. , you know, every doctor has told me we help you.

[00:07:08] We're gonna fix you and everything. And it clearly never happened. And this one doctor was like, I like I'll fix you. And I'm like, well, I hear that time. So Wes, like I was like, I believe it when I see it. And he was right. So he, , gave me a bunch of different supplements and, , vitamins and, you know, specific eating regimen.

[00:07:30] And that cured me from all of my health issues that I've had my whole life. So it was a surreal feeling and I initially took it. In a negative way because I was so used to living my life sick and I was used to playing hockey. So those were like the two personality traits that I had. And when I didn't have either of those, I was like, I don't even know who I am anymore.

[00:07:54] And so I went down a bad path, just in regards to eating. I gained a lot of weight. , I was pushing people away. It was just not, you know, depressed, , in simple terms. And I gained probably. 30 pounds or so, and not, good weight, obviously. So in 2020, I was telling myself, I wanna set the intention this year to lose this weight and become healthy again, physically and mentally cuz the place I was at it wasn't getting me anywhere.

[00:08:26] And I fell in love with taking care of myself and learning about the body. And so I decided to become certified as a trainer and. in the book. It was really interesting because I had learned or read a lot of things that happened to me. For example, you know, they were talking about, if there's pain in your knee, there, there could be another issue in your hip or your ankle.

[00:08:48] And I had bad knee pains. Nobody believed me that I had knee pains until they saw my hip was a problem. So I was like, this is really cool. This is why I'm learning what I'm learning, because I can relate. And then I can share that with people. I had became certified in 2020, uh, June of 2020, and just began doing house calls and bouncing back and forth to different people.

[00:09:12] Online training. I worked at a gym for a couple months as well, and my personal business started taking off. So I decided to leave that gym and. You know, keep doing my house calls, but in 2020, I was not able to get to everyone because, you know, one person's all the way across downtown LA and the other person's in the suburbs.

[00:09:34] So I'm like, I can't get to you. , so I decided to open up a spot near me, just a , , private training gym and it's right in the middle of everyone. So it's perfect for all of us, cuz now we can all meet together. so that's where I'm at.

[00:09:50] Jeremy: I don't wanna gloss over the first health health challenge. The one that you were born, I mean, you literally were born, uh, with cancer, correct?

[00:09:58] Lola Mormino: Yeah, it was a two and half pound tumor attached to my tailbone and I was born with it. Uh, it was stage four and they were almost certain they were gonna lose both my mom and I, cuz they, she had to do an emergency Csection and everything. So. It was from what I have been told, I don't remember it clearly, but it was very intense and scary for everyone to be there.

[00:10:22] And during that surgery of the removal surgery of the tumor and the tailbone, the IV in my vein, it had slipped out and went through, um, my bloodstream. So it gave me three degree, burns all up my arm. So it was just a whole mess. now it's just, it's a small scar now here. But it used to be my whole forearm.

[00:10:43] So it's strong, which I love my scars, but I I'm curious as to what it would've looked like. If it stayed that same length, I don't know how it.

[00:10:55] Zach: Clearly. You don't remember it but, , do you ever reflect back on like how you got through that , and did you, , take some of those, those reflections or lessons into some of your future, , things, because I mean, you've gone through a lot and that, I mean, that takes a lot of resilience.

[00:11:12] So I'm just curious what your thought process was there.

[00:11:15] Lola Mormino: I definitely, although I don't remember it because I was a, you know, a day old. I definitely still had some traumas because I have scars all over my body that remind me every day that that's what I went through. It took a lot of. Changing my mentality towards it because I used to hate my scars and I was embarrassed and I thought I was weird looking and everything, but I also wouldn't be here if I didn't have those scars.

[00:11:43] So it's like, you gotta pick which one you want. and I was not enjoying how I was making myself feel when I kept saying, I look weird at this isn't normal. So it took a lot of therapy and, you know, family support. Internal support to get to where I'm at with them. And I think that's why I find so much joy in helping others because I'm so at peace with myself that I can now fully listen to someone else and, you know, nine times outta 10, be able to relate to them.

[00:12:16] Jeremy: .

[00:12:16] You mentioned the weight challenges and the support system that, that you had in place through that. , and at one point you said something about, , just not giving up because that wasn't an option , were there points in this journey where you did feel like I can't, this is too much and, and I, I can't do this.

[00:12:31] Lola Mormino: there was two, two pretty close points. , one in middle school . So the one autoimmune disease was called Baso vagal, syncope. And that's the one that just caused you to pass out really at any given moment. If you see blood, if you get overheated, if you're stressed out, , scared, shocked you just pass out.

[00:12:51] And there was a period. I believe it was eighth grade where I was passing out literally every night after dinner. And I was like, this is not even worth. I try to do my homework. And then I immediately just, you know, pass out in my dad's arms and I'm like, this is not enjoyable, obviously. So I was like, clearly I'm not able to work through this one, cuz it's been every night and I'm grateful because I had, I had and have such a great support system.

[00:13:17] So when I was having those thoughts, I was able to, you know, go to my family, go to people and tell them like, this is where I'm at mentally. And I know this isn't. The place I wanna be at, but I gotta let you know. , and then in 2018, when I thought I was not gonna make it, you know, like my every day was like, I, this could be my last day.

[00:13:40] So I was enjoying my time with my family. And you know, my friends at the time were all the doctors. So being, being with them as much as I could, but when the doctor kept saying he couldn't. Anything, , or he found something and it was a gray area. It was a rare case. Like we can't, we don't know what to do.

[00:14:00] I was like, this is like, this is a joke. Now I can't I'm I'm done. So those two times, from what I can remember were the most vivid memories of when I was close to giving up, but clearly not close enough because I was still able to work through it. And that's why now I'm so big on understanding and helping people that.

[00:14:21] It's not so bad. Like it, everything can be worked through. It's not like, just because you have an obstacle, you're not able to get through it. Like, and that's why there's support because people are people that care will definitely help you through it. ,

[00:14:35] Zach: So I've got two, questions. Like the resilience of getting through all of that, , the mental, , bits that you had to put in place to.

[00:14:43] Get up every day has, it's gotta be amazing. But you know, the other part that just really stood out to me was, was earlier on when you, when you said, you know, that last doctor, he, you know, he healed me, he cured me. And you said vitamins and food. You didn't say anything about medications or surgeries or anything like that.

[00:15:03] So like truly, was it that simple? Was it like just what you were feeding your.

[00:15:08] Lola Mormino: Yeah, he was, uh, an herbal doctor and that was the, I was so skeptical because I was so used to going to, , traditional doctors, but they weren't doing what I wanted them to. And every time I had all of my things that I've been through were very extreme and not normal.

[00:15:24] So I, I respect and understand why it was so challenging for them. But when I went to this herbal doctor, I was. My parents had found him. And I was like, I don't know. , we can go, cuz it's not gonna hurt, but I don't really, I don't really believe that this is gonna fix me. And he did some, there's a point on your thumb that, you know, connects to your whole body.

[00:15:47] And he had put, I don't know what any of it's called if I'm being honest, but he put something on my thumb and that just. Scanned my whole body. And he had found, like I said, four pages worth of stuff. And he was like, I'm gonna grab some stuff for you, or I'm gonna make some stuff for you. And I'm 90. I think he put 99% sure he is gonna cure me.

[00:16:08] And I was like, that's a big, that's a big promise. So I was like, you must know what you're talking about. And, uh, it took from December of 2018 to. Probably February for me to have, I was a hundred percent healthy and I continued, I still take supplements and vitamins and obviously keep on my eating habits to this day.

[00:16:33] But with those specific supplements it took till about then for me to get off of them and just get ones that can maintain. And the mental part, I was so used to living my life sick. Like I said, I was unaware that getting outta. Shouldn't have been a struggle or taking a shower, shouldn't have been a struggle.

[00:16:53] Like I thought when I was playing hockey, I was supposed to feel sick. You know, I was, that's what I knew. So in 2019, when I didn't have any of those, uh, issues, health issues, I that's, when all of the mental stuff hit me and I was like, what, what is going on? Because I can get up out of bed and I can, you know, Go outside without my parents having to be glued to my hip.

[00:17:18] Like, this is so weird for me. So 2019, that's why I was struggling so much because it just hit me like a truck. Like everything was so new for me. I was like, I feel like I'm I told my dad, I don't know, in 2019, at some point I was like, I feel like, oh, at my birthday, its like, I feel like this is the first birthday I've had because I'm not used to, you know, just enjoying a day.

[00:17:42] So it was a very. Crazy year to say it. The least,

[00:17:47] Jeremy: So that's a lot of major health, mental and physical health challenges to overcome. And there's a lot of things that could have been learned from that or taken from that. And you decided to go into personal training, why personal training and not holistic medicine or, or, or something along those lines.

[00:18:03] What was it about personal training that, that drove you to, to pursue as a way to help?

[00:18:09] Lola Mormino: I feel that because I fell in love. Working hard again and losing that weight and maintaining and staying healthy for myself. It brought me so much joy internally, but also externally because you know, you look healthy as well. So. That was the main reason and understanding that, you know, they always say like trainers and hairstylists.

[00:18:33] They're also part-time therapists too. So I'm able to listen to people at the same time. So it's almost the best of both worlds for me, because I can help them physically and, you know, listen to them, explain how they're feeling mentally as well.

[00:18:48] Zach: But you also opened up a gym too. And not only did you just open up a gym, you opened it up in the middle of COVID. When, like gyms were shut down. Can you tell, tell me about that. Like, how did that work?

[00:19:02] Lola Mormino: definitely have gained a mentality throughout my years of, like I said, just, you know, not giving up. And if I set my mind to something, I'll do it. And in 2021, my goal was to open a gym. I didn't know what month or when, but I just knew in 2021, that's when I wanted it to be, I had to get six more clients in my area before I opened up that spot.

[00:19:27] So within literally two and a half weeks, I got those six clients cuz I was so focused on doing it. And I had told my family, I was like, well this is time. And usually my mom is. I don't know. Well, like, let's see, we have to see, but she was like, do it. You would be silly not to take it and take this opportunity because this spot that we had found was exactly what I envisioned.

[00:19:53] I had it written down, you know, I, I drew a picture, it looked exactly the way I wanted it to. And so there was construction that had to be done, but still I could see that it could work. And so yeah, everyone was in full support. I with all the year or the, you know, the hard work of having my house calls and working at the gym and saving up money from growing up.

[00:20:16] That's why I was capable of, you know, getting this spot in the first place. And also just trusting the process because you just have to have faith that if you truly believe and feel like something is gonna work out in your favor, it will. So, and you have to put the work in of course, but.

[00:20:35] Jeremy: That that was something I was just gonna ask you about because you were talking about setting goals and. So often we read in, in various self-help books and here on podcasts, that to accomplish your goals, you have to have a laser focus on whatever that one thing is and not let anything get in the way.

[00:20:50] It sounds like that was very much the case for you with this gym. I imagine that was something that you developed over the years, but you also talked about like imagining it drawing it, like sort of manifesting it into reality. There is often confusion about that, about, you know, I'm just gonna sit down and draw it and put it on my vision board and it's just magically gonna fly in the window and happen for me.

[00:21:10] That's not the case, right? Like it's gotta, the work has to follow the vision. Is that right?

[00:21:15] Lola Mormino: Yeah, you it's unfortunately not going to happen if you write it down and then you just sit and expect for something to happen. It's just not gonna work. So. You know, you have to train your brain too, to learn how to stay disciplined and consistent and focused because especially at my age, I'm 20. So there's a lot of the generation right now is partying and having fun.

[00:21:39] And that's great. I just know for me, my goals are super important and a party is not gonna get me there, but taking an extra client would or meal prepping would, or, you know, it's just, you. Prioritize what's most important to you and what's gonna benefit you in the long run. And yeah, as far as the manifestation, it's not just, you know, drawing a picture and waiting for it to happen.

[00:22:07] You gotta figure out what your action plan is and how you're going, going to get there and then do it.

[00:22:12] Jeremy: Mm.

[00:22:14] Zach: So I'm curious about, you know, motivation, , on your side. I know, you know, for me, and I, I imagine this happens. I have, you know, really high anxiety, but moments when I, my anxiety goes away. Like I have a lot of trouble motivating myself because that anxiety is part of my drive. Once, , you got your health situation under control, were, did you have any issues like with motivation or ha you know, like, did you have to like put forth the extra effort when you were sick?

[00:22:46] To be motivated normally. And then when you got better, did you have trouble motivating yourself?

[00:22:52] Lola Mormino: Yes, it was twisted almost because when I was sick, I was fit, fit in a way externally fit internally. I. Horrible, but I was still playing hockey. I was still doing things going to school. And once I had stopped, I was just living in fear or once I became healthy, I was living in fear every single day. Like I didn't step foot in an ice rink because when I had my first episode in 2018, it was after a hockey game of mine.

[00:23:23] So I was like, I'm never stepping foot in an ice rink ever again. , and I just woke. Nervous if something was gonna happen to me today, or I was just always living in a, what if mindset? And that's so unhealthy because, okay. But what if it doesn't happen? You know what I mean? Like you, there's just so many different ways you look at things and anxiety was definitely there as well, but I had to put a lot of work in, I still go to therapy to this day just to maintain where I'm at.

[00:23:54] and learn because there's always something you can learn. But when I had first started going, it was, it was a lot of work, you know, two times a week, just trying to break through the PTSD or trauma or hearing sirens and starting to cry. Like there, there were so many things that I had to fix in those moments.

[00:24:16] So yeah, it definitely, it was twisted, but. I'm just thankful that I stayed consistent with it. You, you know, I had my support system kind of pushing me too, to stay consistent with it, cuz my comfort zone was living in fear. But to break out of that was the best thing I could have ever been through.

[00:24:35] Jeremy: Something you mentioned earlier, getting back to the, the fear of the ice rink was the, the loss of identity, these things that you connected with. This is something we just talked about in our last episode as well. So I'm just curious for you, how you sort of came to terms with the fact that you are not the things.

[00:24:48] That you attach yourself to, and is that something you're still able to do now, even as, as this successful, you know, the, the, the story we're telling is of this 20 year old successful, you know, unlikely, uh, survivor of incredible health challenges. That's a huge piece of identity to hold onto. And, and, and you're now talking to shows like ours about, about this story.

[00:25:09] Are you able to keep that lesson and, and just realize like this too might slip away and I might be something else someday.

[00:25:16] Lola Mormino: Yes. I, I love what I do. I am not. I'm like I'm Lola and I'm not a gym owner. I'm, you know, it's, you can do whatever you want, but you're still you at the end of the day. So, and you have to live with that. So there's so much more to offer than just owning a gym or being athletic or fit or the list can go on.

[00:25:40] , I just think that, yeah, like you said, If, if by chance, my route turns somewhere else, not saying it would, but you never know what, you know, am I gonna freak out? Because I don't have something that I identified myself as for five years. That's just not that's that's not healthy either. Cuz you're you're enough just being, you, you don't have to grab onto health or fitness or whatever your profession is just to feel like you're worth something.

[00:26:11] Zach: Yeah, I, and another thing you mentioned earlier that, , I'm just kind of circling back to is, , you mentioned hairstylists and trainers are, you know, part-time therapists. , do you feel like people gravitate. Towards you with issues because you know, not because you are a doctor or anything like that, but because you've been through a struggle that they're going through and it resonates, do you get a lot of clients like that?

[00:26:35] Lola Mormino: Totally. And I. It, I absolutely that's honestly, one of my favorite parts about training is to be able to hear other people's perspective and what they're going through. And I have clients from ages, you know, nine years old to 70 years old, and they all feel comfortable enough to have me listen to them because I'm not, you know, I'm not sitting down and they're sitting on a couch and I'm sitting on the chair, like not talk to me.

[00:26:59] It's a very comfortable environment. There's music playing and I'm a very. Outgoing goofy person, lighthearted person. So I'm not gonna, you know, oh, poor baby. Like I'm gonna, I'm gonna listen. And then, you know, give my 2 cents if I can. And it's just a very genuine, comfortable conversation. So I think that, that doesn't give them that pressure of like, I have to open up to her.

[00:27:25] Like, you don't have to, you don't have to talk the whole session if you don't want to, but they do know that I'm here to listen and that's what I love. So.

[00:27:32] Zach: Mm.

[00:27:32] Jeremy: How important is that for, do you think for your clients and for yourself to have that vulnerability and really open up those, those inner struggles? You know, maybe even more so than, oh, I'm, I'm trying to get stronger and it's not working, or my nutrition is not dialed in something like that.

[00:27:49] How important is just like really opening up and letting out all that inside.

[00:27:53] Lola Mormino: It's really important. Honestly, health and fitness is nine 90% of it is mental. And I. Have had trainers in the past or coaches in the past that were very surface. And, you know, didn't ask anything about me personally, how my day was, how I'm doing and it didn't click with me. It, I didn't hurt my feelings or anything like that.

[00:28:15] But when I had trainers that did care genuinely like that, I was like, this feels nice. So to be able to give that to other people, I think that it a, makes them wanna come back because they. It's usually just one on ones. The gym is about a thousand square feet. So there can be more than two people in there at a time, but usually people like to book one on one.

[00:28:39] So yeah, it just, it gives them opportunity to wanna come back and feel like they're able to. , I always say to all my people, like it's never, the second you step into the gym, it's no judgment. You can tell me anything you want. Like. Just go for it. I'm ready to listen. And that's how I keep it because to live in judgment, everyone has their stuff.

[00:29:00] Everyone's going through something you don't know. A lot of people didn't know in the moment what I was dealing with my best friend at the time, I just reconnected with her, , this year. And I was talking to her about all of my health stuff. That's why we had drifted apart. And she was like, I knew none of this.

[00:29:16] So you just don't know what people are going through. So. You just have to move with compassion and try and put yourself in other people's shoes. And I think that's why, like I said, people gravitate and wanna come back just because it's comfort.

[00:29:33] Jeremy: So sort of along those lines, let me ask you this question. And this is something I usually ask any of our guests that has overcome some major thing, especially at 20 years old and, and the many younger ages that you overcame, , major challenges. I know this has happened to me. I hear from people that this is the case, that people can hear a story like yours to have overcome incredible odd.

[00:29:55] and come out successful and a leader in, in your community and all of that. I think it can have one of two effects for the listener, depending on who they are. One is, man, that's inspiring. I'm gonna get off my ass and I'm gonna do something about that thing. I've been putting off forever and I'm gonna finally go after it.

[00:30:11] The other way it can be heard is man, what a piece of crap I am. I still can't, you know, fill in the blank, whatever the thing is, they're trying to do. So what, uh, I guess what would you say to those two listeners? The one who's hearing this going, man, I'm fired up. I can't wait. I'm gonna get ready to go.

[00:30:27] And the one who's going, oh man, what have I done with my life? What, what would you say to those two people?

[00:30:31] Lola Mormino: I feel for the people that feel motivated, just go at your own pace. And although. I moved pretty fast. That doesn't mean that everyone's moving fast. So yeah, just do what's most comfortable for you. And I'm grateful that it motivated people because that's my goal in the end is to help others feel motivated.

[00:30:52] But, , and then also the people that, you know, don't feel like this benefited them. I'm the first to say that I still go through stuff a lot, lots of stuff. The last, I probably cried this morning. So I, I mean, we all, we all go through things and although social media portrays such a perfect face, everyone does.

[00:31:15] I mean, it's hard not to cuz why would you wanna post yourself crying or not perfect. , everyone, everyone does it and I've worked on understanding that myself because I look at people that are doing better than me and I'm like, oh, like I have to do more. Like, what am I doing? But we also don't know what this person might be going through.

[00:31:35] So everyone's got their stuff and I guess they both go hand in hand. You just have to go at your own pace. And when you feel comfortable and ready, that's when you start taking that action. But until then, just, just understand and accept where you're at at this moment.

[00:31:49] Jeremy: That's great advice for more great advice, uh, like that, and to learn more about you and your gym and all the things you're up to, where can we find out more about you online?

[00:31:57] Lola Mormino: I have a website. So it's my first and last name. Lola Morino I have an Instagram. Uh, my personal one is Lola dot Morino my gym. Instagram is Lola's two underscores house. , and my phone number and my email, they're both on the website. So you can really anywhere like I'm I'm out there. So you can definitely, you can see me on the, on social media for sure. 

[00:32:24] Jeremy: our thanks to Lola Morino. She is the founder of Lola's house. It's a private training facility near LA. You can find links to her and her work in the show notes for this One of the key takeaways for me, and, and I hope for you is that when it comes to goals, it can't just be like a list that you write down and, and hang on the wall and, and look at occasionally it has to be something that you are laser focused on, that you.

[00:32:48] Do not let anything get in the way of, because it's so easy to get distracted by all kinds of shiny objects, but you have to just laser focus on that thing. If it's important enough to you, it will help you develop the discipline to say no to the things that don't help you accomplish. Whatever that goal is.

[00:33:03] Zach: And second is motivation. , whatever those goals are, you're gonna have obstacles, right? Whenever there's something in my way that I need to get through, that's when I need to push harder. And that's when I actually want to push harder.

[00:33:15] Jeremy: And I think that was one of the many lessons that Lola learned in her life and all those. Is that she really learned? So many valuable life lessons in, in overcoming all of those, uh, major health challenges. Uh, and finally, I just wanna encourage you to, to create or find a support system, find a trainer, a coach, a friend, a therapist, someone you can open up to and, and share your mess with share the struggle because that's.

[00:33:39] It's just such a lonely road to go down when you pursue any of this stuff, when you're trying to get well, mentally, physically, when you're trying to heal, it is just such a lonely road and you can feel so isolated and feel like nobody goes through this, but I guarantee anyone who's done. This has probably felt exactly like you.

[00:33:56] And so having a place to unload a lot of that, , and to hear feedback and, and to learn from people that have gone before you there's just so much healing that can be done there in, in a support. So I can't recommend enough trying to find a community of like-minded people to, to share that struggle with, because it will help you get there faster.

[00:34:17] Zach: Well, and on top of that too, a lot of these things that we want to do for ourselves. Like some of them are really complicated and taking them all on can be really overwhelming. So finding people who are experts in their fields to help you to explain things to you to, I mean, honestly, I go to the gym I go to, because I show up, they tell me what to do.

[00:34:34] I do it. And then I leave. I don't have to think about it at all. That. Beautiful. And sometimes you need that. Sometimes you just need to do what the person's telling you to do. Then you can understand it later.

[00:34:47] Jeremy: And sometimes you need a place where you can be vulnerable and just share that pain because carrying it around is not good for you either. It's it's got, it's just energy. That's gotta move out of your body and it's gotta find a place to.

[00:35:00] Zach: Uh, no, no, no, no. My pain has frequent frequent flyer miles, man. I travel with that everywhere.

[00:35:07] Jeremy: The bags are big and they're heavy.

[00:35:10] Zach: Yeah, 17,000 free check bags on this one.

[00:35:15] Jeremy: All right, well, pack your bags and don't let the conversation end there. Join us on our Facebook group or you and fellow fit mess. Listeners can connect for monthly challenges, accountability to reach your goals and a connection with others who are on a similar journey. That link is also at our website, the fit, where we will be back next week with a brand new episode.

[00:35:32] Thanks for listening.

[00:35:34] Zach: See everyone.

Lola Mormino Profile Photo

Lola Mormino

Owner of Lola's House

I was born a fighter. Born with a two and a half pound cancerous tumor that was attached to my tailbone. The doctors were almost certain that they were going to lose both me and my mom. I fought. I won.

Since that victory, I have had to struggle with extreme health challenges that may have caused some to quit. Paralyzed for three weeks at the age of ten, major hip surgery at the age of eleven, a condition (from ages 7-15) called Vasovagal Syncope which caused me to pass out at any given moment, and in 2018 extended stays at various hospitals almost certain those would be my last few moments here on Earth. I fought. I won.

During these times of constantly never feeling normal, I taught myself something that has shaped me into who I am today. I learned how to push through ANYTHING that came my way - no matter how horrible it was. Although I made light of the situations while going through them, they were in reality a living nightmare. The every day struggle I had to go through - from getting out of bed, to showering, to being able to get through the day without feeling that I would drop at any moment - was something I quickly adapted to since that is all I really knew.

From 2013-2018, I played high-level ice hockey, leading to training for the 2022 Olympics. Unfortunately, my health cut that path short in 2018. I felt it was time to move forward from that chapter of my life. Looking back, I am so thankful that I played because even though I felt sick on the ice the majority of the time, I really enjoyed the journey and it took my mind off of my ou… Read More

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