May 12, 2021

What is the Law of Attraction with Karen Eldad

What is the Law of Attraction with Karen Eldad

Our guest is Keren Eldad. She is the founder of With Enthusiasm Coaching, a Leadership Psychology Expert, and host of the Coached Podcast.

In this episode, we’re joined by Karen Eldad. She is the founder of With Enthusiasm Coaching, a Leadership Psychology Expert, and host of the Coached Podcast. We talk with her about getting curious about who you are, why you do what you do, and how to do what you want to do next. She’ll challenge what you think you know about money, success, relationships, love, parenting, politics, personal development, and get you to stop chasing stability.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to get really clear on what you want and why you want it.
  • Why your comfort zone is holding you back.
  • How to get rid of what’s been blocking you.
  • What the Laws of Attraction are.
  • How to see the fullness of your potential.
  • Why no goal is too big.


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[00:00:00] Keren: This is the fit mess conversations with world-class experts in the fields of mental, physical, and emotional health. And this episode, if I could cure the world of this ill, it would be not just to introduce curiosity, but to convince people that the opposite of curiosity interior. Knowing, relying on what, you know, digging your heels in is death.

[00:00:23] Now, here are your hosts, Zach and Jeremy. 

[00:00:28] Jeremy: It doesn't matter if you believe in the law of attraction, but for the next 30 minutes or so, put aside your preconceptions with hold your judge. And maintain an open mind after all there's rarely harm and entertaining an idea that's worked for other people, perhaps it won't lead anywhere, or perhaps you'll discover some benefits either way.

[00:00:46] We have a very entertaining and inspirational interview with our guests this week. Her name is Karen L dad. She is the founder of enthusiasm coaching. She's a leadership psychology expert and host of the coach to podcast. So Zach, I know you couldn't join me for this interview and, uh, too bad for you. You missed out on a good one cause cause Karen.

[00:01:05] But our conversations all over the place, we started with a theme that we've spent a lot of time on in this show and, and curiosity, and how it can really help us solve a lot of our issues with anxiety and depression. Uh, it also segues a bit into the laws of attraction, which, um, I've, you know, it's one of those things we talk about on the show where these things that seem Wu and far left field for me, uh, eventually I come around and once I understand them and believe.

[00:01:30] Then I'm in and it works for me. Do you practice much with like the laws of attraction and the whole like positive thinking thing? 

[00:01:40] Zach: I haven't actively, but I am. I am reading through a book now that's talking about it and I'm convinced that there's something to it and reading about it. You know, my, my, my logical brain went, uh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

[00:01:58] But then I started looking at, you know, some of the experiences that I've had, you know, over the last few years and actually have evidence of, of that stuff happening. So just as an example, you know, two and a half years ago, my wife and I were living in Washington and we had been talking for awhile about moving back to New York.

[00:02:18] So we could be closer to family. We had a, had a mother-in-law that was getting sick and we needed to get her back to family. She was on Washington with us and. We made the decision, right. We committed to it. Um, this one, gloomy, uh, Seattle day, it was in November and we're like, okay, this is it. We're going to make it happen.

[00:02:39] It's going to happen. We're going to do it about a week, went by and we tend done anything. We were just thinking about it. And I get a call from a recruiter. And this recruiter was in Albany, New York, the town where we used to live in New York. She's like, Hey, I just found your LinkedIn profile. Looks like you, you lived in Albany, you know, 10, 15 years ago, interested in coming back.

[00:03:02] We've got a role for you. That was the law of attraction, right? There's evidence of it. We made the decision and it happened like the universe just provided and said, here you go. Here's everything you need. And I have a couple of others. Instances where that has happened. So I'm, I'm taking it very seriously.

[00:03:20] And I think there is some scientific evidence to it 

[00:03:22] Jeremy: as well. I have a couple of examples as well. One is the current one that I've alluded to a few times here, uh, and, and our whole plan to try and move to Canada. These, these sort of, um, cause it sort of, once we made the decision that this is something we not even that we wanted to do it, but there's something, but that it's something we want to seriously pursue.

[00:03:41] All of a sudden these doors started opening to making it happen. Like I won't get into the details, but there's just a lot of just kind of small signs that it was like, okay. Yeah. Well that, jeez that'll make it easier. And then this other opportunity for like where we could stay that opened up randomly, how we could get the kids into school without a lot of bear, like just all these small doors started opening.

[00:04:02] And it is that, that thing, I think where you, once you set your intention, either you start to see what would have been there either way. Or it does scientifically unlock the, you know, the laws of the universe. You know, I don't know. I kind of equate it to the, you know, I just bought a red car and now all of a sudden, every red, every car on the freeway is red because I'm noticing it.

[00:04:24] Like I'm suddenly aware of it as a, as a thing. Maybe the opportunity is there all the time and just by opening your mind to, oh, I deserve that. That's what I'm going to do now. All of a sudden you see it as a possibility. Yeah. I think in 

[00:04:39] Zach: some instances that's the case. The opportunity was there, you just, weren't looking for it.

[00:04:43] Yeah. You look for it. It's there. Um, in the, the story that I just told right there. Right. I didn't look for anything. I just made a decision and somewhere on the other side of the country. 

[00:04:56] Jeremy: Yeah. Somebody found me. Yeah. You know that there was no door that I opened. Yeah. Those are the ones where yeah. I want to be a believer.

[00:05:09] I see, I see the evidence in your story, but I don't understand the science. Like I don't, I get a transfer of energy and putting the thing into the universe and I hear the words, but it's hard for me to grasp onto it and go, ah, I that's how I can apply that. Right. Sometimes believe you don't have to understand it though.

[00:05:27] I know. I know you just have to believe it. Speaking of, uh, questioning what you know about anything that seems like a perfect place to bring in our guest. Her name is Karen L dad. She is the founder of with enthusiasm coaching. She's the host of the coach podcast and a familiar theme is where we begin this conversation, Jack.

[00:05:43] And it's talking about curiosity, 

[00:05:48] Keren: first of all, Jeremy, thank you so much for that. And I want to thank you, especially for starting with the notion of being curious. If I could cure the world of one ill. And I really mean this. That's why I gave a talk, a Ted talk, or you don't know what you don't know. It's the idea that, you know, anything, the idea that we know, something, the idea that what we see is what we get the idea that what, what is, is what we need to adhere to is the most limiting concept.

[00:06:18] On the planet, it really entrenches you and it makes you the victim of a slave to confirmation bias, which is the primal bias by which we are always seeking a confirmation of that, which we already know, or that we are already familiar. So it's the antithesis of growth. Innovation learning. Love happy. So, if I could cure the world of this ill, it would be not just to introduce curiosity, but to convince people that the opposite of curiosity and curiosity, knowing relying on what you know, digging your heels in is death.

[00:06:56] Jeremy: That seems really opposite to what our culture tells us to do, though. Go out, be an expert. You know, tell the world everything, you know, like every argument that you see online, every talking head on, on network news is I know this to be true. And that's why XYZ. How do we shift that culturally so that we can make it okay.

[00:07:14] To be curious and accept that maybe we don't know everything 

[00:07:17] Keren: by being, by understanding that there's nothing wrong with the knowledge that you possess. You just want to be a little bit more of a scientist about it. The scientist's approach is I know this right now. But I could be wrong. And these are the sets of this, the set of facts that we're working with at the moment, but we can always change, evolve, adapt, and open or expand.

[00:07:41] That's it. The stance is not completely reversed or unearth everything that, you know, it's just be open to the possibility that you might be wrong and be open to the possibility that you might learn something around it. And be open to the possibility that maybe things aren't as awesome as you think they are.

[00:07:57] And they could improve. 

[00:07:58] Jeremy: You mentioned in your Ted talk that you reinvented yourself at 40 was getting curious. 

[00:08:04] Keren: It was the, it was 99% of that transformation at 40, at almost 40, to be fair. I realized that pretty much everything I'd been doing was so entrenched was so I know it all. It was. So I've got this.

[00:08:20] I didn't let anybody help me or tell me anything different. I just did things a certain way. And by the book and assume that I was there for doing it. And when I really reached that place of vulnerability, which is to admit that I don't know everything and that I could use some help around here and that it wouldn't kill me to be a little bit curious and ask for answers that might serve me because whatever I'm basing my worldview on right now is not helping everything changed.

[00:08:49] My whole life changed. As a matter of fact, I think in that sense, it's very similar to Renee brown story. You know, her Ted talk of course, one of the top five. In terms of views about vulnerability. She gave that talk at 46 and she spoke openly about her own come to Jesus, her own realization through the research that she herself had conducted.

[00:09:10] That obviously she wasn't getting a bunch of stuff, right. This book sits on my desk dare to lead. It's one of her latest and it's, it's a masterpiece. It's a real masterpiece because of the admission. You know what, maybe I can learn something around 

[00:09:23] Jeremy: here. You bring up Renee brown, because that was the connection that I made in listening to you talking about that sort of, that need, as you transitioned to hold onto stability, to hold on to the job that would just keep you afloat until the next thing.

[00:09:36] And I just kept thinking, this is there and greatly. This is the thing where you just, you just got to just make the leap and see where you land and trust that your process is going to lead you in the right way. Talk about that sort of that path. And I guess your connection to Renee brown, it seems like she's a, an inspiration for you.

[00:09:53] Keren: She's a huge inspiration for me, but I didn't discover her until years of practice. Um, and I think it was because I just wasn't ready to hear her message. Right? Like we go through stages. I think like you've got a level of one. The impact theory guys, like the alphas, like Tony Robbins, then you're ready to graduate to more Bernay stuff.

[00:10:11] And then finally, you're going to get to the wolves stuff. I guarantee it, the spiritual realm of Louise hay and Esther Hicks is only a hop and a skip away. In essence, what happened to me was that real realization that I may as well take a leap because I don't have anything else to lose. And I got really lucky Jeremy and my personal story.

[00:10:31] I lost everything. I got divorced. I lost my job. I was, I was 36 years old and sleeping on friend's couches, which I think is not even a cool thing. When you're 26 years old. Um, and I had done everything right. I got married to the tall guy. I had the Ivy league degree. Like you would think that none of this would ever happen to me, but it did.

[00:10:52] And in that sense, I thought, well, what the hell is going to happen? I mean, I have nothing left to lose, so I might as well actually go for something I really do want to do. I might as well believe that maybe it will work out. That maybe I do have a S a shot. 15% of businesses do succeed after all. And I took a shot and it paid off for dividends.

[00:11:12] And that's why I tell everybody to do that 

[00:11:14] Jeremy: too. You mentioned that you had nothing left to lose, and I think so many of us wait until that point where we've hit rock bottom and that, well, I've got nothing else. Why not do it before that? Why not? When things are good. Why not risk losing everything? If you've, if you're kind of comfortable, things are sort of fun.

[00:11:30] But you feel like maybe there's more, 

[00:11:32] Keren: oh man, my language today because I'm comfortable and comfort is also the opposite of superstardom. So I really think people have two choices of doing the work, doing the inner work, doing the inner work, to explore who they are and what they want. These are big questions that people don't take the time to do.

[00:11:50] Certainly not with the. Helper who can really help them through any of the people who have been on your formidable podcast will help them get to that level. Right. And they're the only two ways you're going to get to this work, our trauma and humility. And personally, if I were a person out there, I think humility is a better bet.

[00:12:07] I don't think you need to wait until your houses burned to the studs. Literally happened to me before you ask somebody to help you. I 

[00:12:16] Jeremy: got to hear that. 

[00:12:17] Keren: Well, I mean, I moved out of my house. Uh, my ex-husband was rather litigious and not very happy that I was leaving the marriage. I had no choice. I was in an abusive relationship.

[00:12:28] So one day I came home and all of my stuff was in boxes and he'd basically taken all of the furniture out of the house. All of the art, I didn't have anything valuable, my jewelry, it was all gone. So I put what few belongings I had into a storage space, moved onto a French. And then the next day they called me and said that the storage space burned down.

[00:12:47] So I literally lost every one of my earthly possessions and just a couple of days. And today I can say that with a smile and I really, really mean it. Not because it's a very interesting story, but because I think that was the day I got my life back. I think that was the day I realized I really don't have anything to lose and there is still time and I'm going to figure this out.

[00:13:08] And I know that that doesn't happen overnight for everybody, but if you can just hear a glimmer of that within yourself, you're going to be okay. 

[00:13:16] Jeremy: We talk all the time on this show about getting quiet and listening for that path, for that lead, wherever, wherever we're supposed to be going with our life that is drown out by working nine to five, two hour commute, solid kids, soccer practice, all the things.

[00:13:33] It just seems like. Our culture is developed in a way that works against every, in every piece of being a human being that we're supposed to be. Uh, and, and I know for me that, that getting quiet, you hear stories all the time, like yours, it wasn't until everything was gone, that I saw what was really there.

[00:13:55] And I feel like that's the case. I'm in the middle of trying to move to another. And we're hanging on to this, like, oh, but things are kind of okay here and things are kind of stable here and we can make it work, but we've been making it work forever, I guess. What are your thoughts on, on sort of that like building up to feeling like you've got it feeling like things are fine.

[00:14:17] Keren: First thing I want to say is that that feeling is normal, but it's also an illusion. There is no safety. There is no security. There is also no end or resting stop. I've lived in 14 different countries, Jeremy and you're moving is going to be really fun, really exciting and will last as long as it'll last, where we don't need to make it such a serious thing.

[00:14:39] It's not an enormous or consequential decision. Even when you have small children. Did this many, many times, even as a small child, children are extraordinarily adaptable and resilient, they will pick up any foreign language, especially if they're under the age of six, within six months, which will take much longer for you by the way.

[00:14:56] Well, 

[00:14:56] Jeremy: it's Canada, so it's not that foreign of a language. Let me just find it unless 

[00:15:00] Keren: you well, of course the second thing about that, that I think is really interesting. And of note aside from certainty is illusory. Uh, we actually don't need to wait for the collapsed to stop the noise, the practice that changed my life.

[00:15:14] And I know you've talked about this a lot is meditation. Yep. Yep. And when people say to me, I don't have 15 minutes and my mind races. Okay. First of all, you're not special. Everybody's mind races. And secondly, if you're, you don't have 15 minutes, you're doing something really wrong with your life. Yeah. So those 15 minutes are actually going to train you.

[00:15:32] Justin silencing the mind just in sitting, even just following any monotonous sound for 15 minutes, anything that will drain out and just push away thought will teach you that you are in control and that nothing else is real. All the thought patterns that are imposed upon us run all the time. You've got to make that appointment.

[00:15:55] You're late. This is nonsense. It's absolute nonsense. No one is waiting for you. I, no one will die if you don't show up. So everything's okay. And you can train yourself into doing that by really giving yourself the joy of meditation. Don't leave home without it 

[00:16:13] Jeremy: absolutely changed my life. Um, I think sort of where you're going with this and, and you mentioned getting into the woo.

[00:16:19] Let's talk about the laws of attraction, because I know this is something you're really into, right. Yeah, well, first in case, for some reason, someone in our audience doesn't know about the laws of attraction. Give me, give us the quick 1 0 1 on what that means. 

[00:16:31] Keren: So here's the superstar again? This is level three.

[00:16:33] And this, if you, if you accepted at level one and you're not really familiar, it sounds very Donald Trump. Like I'll just tell things like it is and that's, what's going to work. Let me tell you he's nowhere near the law of attraction. And if you practice, you're certainly familiar with the fact that lying does not necessarily get you desired results.

[00:16:50] And I personally don't think that tweeting at 3:00 AM, which he used to do is a sign of any form of success. So political views aside, let's talk for a second about what the law of attraction is. It is the most basic law of nature and a most basic law of physics. The law that governs the. Just as gravity has a hold on me.

[00:17:08] I am not currently flying off my chair. As you may be able to see the law of attraction is exactly the same. And it dictates that like unto, like will attract itself. So like attracts, like if you accept that we're all entirely composed of energy. And we know this because we are well past Newtonian physics at this time.

[00:17:29] And that everything, uh, I am composed of tiny little particles known as Adams. Jeremy is two. And the only reason we're communicating in real time, even though we were in different cities by some magic is because of the translation of those tiny little particles through frequency that forms waves. And then again, by law of attraction, the frequency that is like it attracts the frequency and carries me over to wherever you are and is delivering me to the listener's ear at this time.

[00:17:57] That's exactly how the law of attraction works from thoughts. And so if we take this to the next level, we understand that if we are composed of energy, so our, our thoughts and therefore our thoughts also carry a charge and that charge can be negative. A charge that is negative, negative thoughts, toxic thoughts, shame, regret.

[00:18:18] Resentment will usually cause negative or attract negative events, negative finite creations, people dropping coffee on you in the airport. Things of that nature. That is a silly example, just to illustrate higher charged thoughts. Open-mindedness optimism, excitement, eagerness, even hope or just calm will attract more favorable.

[00:18:42] And again, this is pretty easy to prove with science itself. That's the entire field of positive psychology is dedicated to this, but I like the law of attraction because of its simplicity. It's broken down into steps for anybody who is a follower of the work of Abraham Hicks or even the work of Napoleon hill, which is very old, tiny, and it works, man.

[00:19:04] It really works. And what I love about it the most is it helps you to isolate the quality of your life. And that's what meditation is about too. Right? The law of attraction has helped me not only to understand what I think about, but how I'm thinking about it. For example, if I'm thinking about money, I can think about the lack of money, the fear of losing money, the finite pile, or I can think about my ability to create money and my excitement about money and things.

[00:19:30] I like to use it for and want to bless the world with they're very different stances about exactly the same thing. And that's really how I use this. 

[00:19:39] Jeremy: I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask you about this, but there's a very famous Dave Chappelle. A bit about the secret and you know, basically the laws of attraction.

[00:19:48] And he's talking about the starving kid in Africa, hasn't eaten in five days and he sort of laughing at the idea of, oh, positive thinking is going to feed this kid who hasn't eaten in five days. No, that that's not how it 

[00:20:01] Keren: works. No, that's not how it works. And I swear to God, if that is how it works, then I would feed every single starting job.

[00:20:08] And what, what it does instead is it accepts that the law of attraction accepts that we are all, uh, of our own agency. We are all creating our own reality and by some token of their own circumstances and wherever they are. They are repeating patterns that are around them and enforcing patterns that are around them.

[00:20:29] This is not a particularly bad thing, because if you will accept that, then you can also accept that through agency, many can rise above that and start to change that reality, the greater, the asking the greater, the favor that will be given. So with time, these situations will ameliorate or rectify. To be very honest with you.

[00:20:47] I have no proof for that and I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it. And the reason for that is I don't think that it's very useful for me or that I've come here to solve the world's problems. I've come here to feel better. And by feeling better, to be able to bless others with my ability, which is much bigger than it would be.

[00:21:06] If I were in a detriment. Or limited state, I, by the way, also think that Dave Chappelle cause I'm a huge fan and big follower has come a very long way from those days and has maybe modified his beliefs a little bit more he's by no means a libertarian he's much more of a progressive and most of us believe that a lifting tide, a rising tide will lift all boats.

[00:21:27] And that's, that's essentially the premise that we're operating with, which is the, the more, the more you are. To accept your own worthiness and to, uh, create more for yourself, the more you will be able to create for others. It's not me versus them. Right. 

[00:21:44] Jeremy: I think the idea though, I think is one that is common when people hear this idea of, oh, if I just wish for something.

[00:21:52] Well, I mean, it's not a genie in a lamp, right? It's, 

[00:21:55] Keren: that's actually very important point that you're bringing up Jeremy. This is why I say it's anti-Trump ism. It's not Trump. And, uh, for those listening, I happen to be a progressive. So I'm sorry if those political views are not perfectly aligned. Um, I hope that they'll see beyond, uh, if so the, the political stance, the, the, the secret was missing a key ingredient, which is you have to actually believe what you're saying.

[00:22:22] You have to really believe in favor. You have to be aligned with your desire. You can't just say. You're believing that there, the world has finite resources and that me having more means to somebody else having less. And that that's the only way we, we play the game, which is a zero sum game. You were rather destructive and competitive in your energy.

[00:22:42] That's the opposite of the law of attraction. The law of attraction and the fundamental law of attraction is there is only attractive attraction. There is no assertion. So me taking from others absolutely doesn't force into the equation. He working very hard. She doesn't really work into the people.

[00:22:58] Instead, what is missing is. I believe, I believe that I deserve, I believe that it is out there. I will line up with it. I will find a way I will figure it out. And if I can't, other people can too. 

[00:23:11] Jeremy: And this is another point that comes up whenever we talk about this as the importance of action beyond. The wants and the positive thinking.

[00:23:19] Talk about how important it is to actually take action toward the thing that you want rather than wanting it and sitting on the couch and waiting for it to fly in the window. 

[00:23:26] Keren: Well, you know, something Jeremy, I really want to believe that it will one day flight for the window. I'm a huge fan. Also have Yuval Noah Harari, so thinks that we will even have death in this life.

[00:23:36] Oh, by the way, when he was asked, do you want to hack death? He said, no, no, I don't need the anxiety. I thought that was hilarious. But for the rest of us who I really do want to believe that, but I think that I exist in a world in which I still understand that, uh, to desire something and just hope for it is a wish and to desire and match it with inspired, meaning excited, happy, eager, enthusiastic.

[00:24:03] Energy and action will make it come about what you don't want to do is marry it with, oh, I got to do this action. That sucks. That's finite. And that's really asking to be a better slave. That's not asking for freedom. You 

[00:24:16] Jeremy: talk a lot on your, on your podcast. You, you, uh, answer a lot of questions from people, all sorts of political money, success, relationships level.

[00:24:24] Is are, are there common themes under all of it that you can point back to almost everyone's problem almost everyone's lost purpose is this? 

[00:24:34] Keren: Yes. There are four themes. The first is love. The second is health. The third is money and all its configurations, including career. It's about status. It's about money and the fourth is happiness.

[00:24:50] If you ask what my preference is, it's the house. I think there's nothing really we care about at all. Other than that. And I understand that if you're starving, you really wish for cracker and that's okay. But once you are past that point and you have wifi and you have water, you can ask for happiness.

[00:25:11] And I think that that's what we came here for. They're the hardest questions. They're the hardest questions to answer, but I'm personally obsessed with it and have dedicated my life. And 

[00:25:22] Jeremy: I'm assuming a lot of that advice comes back to the things we've talked about here, just in terms of setting goals on the things you want and meditating and making space for yourself to explore and get curious.

[00:25:33] Keren: Absolutely. And really being able to focus in the direction you want. That's what meditation is about again. And that's also what, seeing all the circumstances of the world that do not please, you such as people starving is about, I live in the great city of Austin, Texas. I love it here. So. And we have a serious homeless problem.

[00:25:54] I can't tell you how physically painful it is, but I don't make a concerted effort not to drive there. I make a concerted effort to get involved and to try to help in whatever way I can it's will already ameliorate my feeling. That's what we need to do rather than think and see suffering and agree to it.

[00:26:13] As suffering, roll up your sleeves and try to do something about it. Then let's have a conversation. That's a different approach to 

[00:26:20] Jeremy: life. That's very important stuff. Uh, any closing thoughts you want to leave us with here before we wrap things 

[00:26:26] up? 

[00:26:26] Keren: I offer, I don't know if you know this Jeremy, but I'm also, uh, I've been a suicide counselor for a very long time, and I always offer the same words in closing.

[00:26:35] Be easy on yourself. You're doing better than you think. And there's nothing serious going on around. And for whoever needed to listen to that message today. I think that's the nicest message I can give. 

[00:26:46] Jeremy: That's a powerful one. Where do we learn more about you and find out more about you? 

[00:26:51] Keren: You can learn more about me and my business.

[00:26:52] I'll add coach Karen on Instagram. Karen is spelled with two E's. So not like the means, even though I do love facts and I'm Karen And of course on the coach podcast, which you so generously mentioned. 

[00:27:07] Jeremy: Our thanks to Karen L dad. She's the founder of with enthusiasm coaching, all of her links to her business and her podcast are there on the show notes of this

[00:27:18] One of the things that sort of occurred to me as we've been, uh, listening back to the interview and talking about this today is yeah, we talk so much about sort of visualizing and inviting into your life, the things that you want. And sometimes I think it can happen. Without really being aware of it in a strange way.

[00:27:37] And for me, I've only sort of noticed it in looking back, and this is particularly relating to my relationship with our money. It's something that we've struggled with forever. I'm bad at it. But I was reading a book a couple, maybe, maybe two years ago that was sort of dabbled in this. That was the idea of, you know, if, if you need X amount of money, just visualize getting it live as though it's there.

[00:28:01] Like all these things just. Allowing it to come into your life and just visualizing that it happens. And I sort of did that and I didn't have the success that was promised, but it was an interesting journey as I look back because the more that I started paying attention to what we were doing with our money, the more that I was led to.

[00:28:25] Uh, something that you actually told me about long before, and it's the, the wine app, the online budgeting platform. You told me about it a long time ago and the whole idea of paying for it seemed insane to me. Why would I pay for something? When I struggled to manage my money, that's just one more bill to pay that I can't afford, but it was funny because I suddenly was ready to give it another chance.

[00:28:43] And in doing so, we haven't made any more money. In fact, we've lost more money because of unemployment. But my relationship with money changed dramatically because of the way I was able to learn how to budget in a more effective way. And it's just, it's funny. When I look back, my intention was to magically invite a pile of money to fall into my life, which I never really believed was going to happen, but it at least got me thinking about how can I do things differently and it ended up working so well.

[00:29:15] It's not as mystical as your magical job offer from across the country. I think there are times in our life that maybe even without thinking about it, we end up in a situation that's better because of the earlier steps we took that were sort of unrelated to where the you ended up. 

[00:29:32] Zach: Yeah. I mean, in your example, it really, it just opened up your mind to a new way of doing things right.

[00:29:39] Which doesn't always help. But sometimes that helps. 

[00:29:42] Jeremy: Well, I mean, look at, look at the course of this show and everything we've talked. Most of it has been about, I opened up my mind to this new way of doing. Eating fasting, meditating, whatever, like whatever the thing is. And every time we open our mind to trying this new thing, we're almost always better for it.

[00:30:00] Zach: I look back at us doing the show as kind of one of those things, because looking over the last two years, how many books would I have really read? How many things would I have tried? How many tools would I have in my belt? If we 

[00:30:15] Jeremy: hadn't done that? How many times would I have given up and just not done any of the things that I do sometimes, but because I feel a sense of accountability because we're going to sit here and talk about this every week.

[00:30:28] I I have this accountability tool really to just make me go, oh, well you got to meditate at least once this week. Otherwise you're completely full of crap, right? For me, it's half of a meditation session. If you can even get that. You're better off for it. Yep. All right. Well, we're going to wrap up things up there.

[00:30:48] Thanks so much for listening. If you have not already a head over to the website, the there, you can sign up for our newsletter. You can follow us on all the various social media platforms where you hang out probably too much. Let's be honest. Uh, and you can always, uh, leave us a voicemail right there on the website, or just send us an email and reach out any, any way that works best for you.

[00:31:06] We always love hearing from you. We are going to wrap things up. We will be back next Wednesday with a brand new See everyone. 

[00:31:15] Keren: We know this podcast is amazing. It doesn't seem to lack anything, but we need a legal disclaimer. Prior to implementing anything discussed in this podcast is your responsibility to conduct your own research and consult your physician.

[00:31:28] You should assume that Jeremy and Zach don't know what they're talking about, and they're not liable for any physical or emotional issues that occur directly or indirectly from listening to this podcast. Yeah.

Keren Eldad Profile Photo

Keren Eldad

Founder of With Enthusiasm Coaching

Keren Eldad, the founder of With Enthusiasm Coaching, is an American personal and executive coach. With a method designed to help the most intense personalities uncover and overcome their blind spots, she is internationally recognized as world-class leaders, high-profile athletes, media personalities, and major corporations. Among Eldad’s most notable clients are LVMH, Richemont, Luxxotica, Deutsche Bank and Global Fashion Group, whom she serves, and several individual high-profile clients.

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