July 28, 2021

Why the Secret to Better Health May Be in Your Blood with Karina LaMarr

Why the Secret to Better Health May Be in Your Blood with Karina LaMarr

Our guest is, Karina LaMarr, She is a Chef Nutritionist, and Culinary Educator, a Master Herbalist, and is certified in Sports Medicine.

Eating healthy meals and getting proper nutrition and exercise can be overwhelming. Too often we grab the nearest packaged snack from the pantry or skip a workout because we’re just too busy or unmotivated. So, what do you do? For answers to these common difficulties, we turn to our guest this week, Karina LaMarr. She is a Chef Nutritionist, and Culinary Educator, a Master Herbalist, and is certified in Sports Medicine. She shares a variety of tips to overcome the obstacles that get in the way of your wellness goals.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why donating blood is not only helpful but healthy!
  • Tips to overcome depression
  • How to let go of what’s holding you back
  • Why diets are temporary
  • How to eat for your body’s needs
  • Why your scale is a liar


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Karina Clean

This is the fit mess conversations with world-class experts in the fields of mental, physical, and emotional health. And this episode, let's say that we are diamonds and we're shaping ourselves for the rest of our lives is never ending. We never going to and is always going to be something you have to be prepared for that.

Now, here are your hosts, Zach and Jeremy. 

Jeremy: [00:00:21] You likely don't need us to tell you this, but what you eat plays a big part in your overall health and wellbeing. Eating healthy foods helps to protect against many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, but with so many fad diets and food recommendations out there, it can be hard to navigate what to eat.

And more importantly, what not to eat with some help to sort all of this out this week, we're joined by Karina. She's a nutritionist and culinary educator, a master herbalist, and a certified in sports medicine. This follows the conversation we had last week about a plant-based diet. So Zach, we talked last week about a plant-based diet and all of the many benefits and how much it's going to help your inflammation.

How how's it going? You dive right in and start that day on your, on your plant-based diet and, and put all the meat away. 

Zach: [00:01:06] Of course not. No, no, no, no. I think there's two things happening here. One is. Procrastination based on my fear of missing out on meat, because I enjoy it so much. And then the other is probably more procrastination of, you know, just want to be prepared and ready for it.

So I've been making the little changes, like instead of going and eating peanut butter crackers and grabbing a banana or an apple or something like that, just to. You know, switch it off a little bit before I take the full, full plunge in, but I, I will admit, like I am, you know, me, I've done way bigger crazier, weirder things than right.

Removing meat and animal products from my diet. And this one is like getting me right in the heart. Like I am fearful of, of, of missing out on all of those things I love to eat. So it's, it's quite an emotional rollercoaster for me to, to jump on this one. So I am still planning on it. I am still slowly preparing myself, but I am, I am using one of my top 10 procrastination, I think any significant change.

Jeremy: [00:02:22] When, when it's something that you've done your whole life, the majority of your life for a long time, it is, it's so intimidating to think about what is my life like without this? I mean, I'm, I'm going through that right now. I just moved to a new country to a new town, left my job. Like there's all these things that, that for the months leading up to it, I just was, had this fear.

And even still he being here, where are you? There's still this like, oh man, how do I get that? Like this clinging, like I'm trying to hold onto what I had. And so it is it's, it's super hard and, and nutrition's not, it's no joke. Like when, when you make a big change, all of the habits, because so much of what we eat is habit.

They're so hard to, to let go of. I've I've been doing a lot of the same thing, a lot of the, uh, advice that we've gotten on the show lately, I've really taken to heart. And like you were talking about like grabbing a banana and grabbing fruit or something instead of an unhealthy pre-packaged snack. Like that's been a go-to for me.

And I've had, I've actually had a lot of success in the last few days. Actually. I think it's been about a week or so. I started really tracking everything I'm eating again, I'm drinking a ton more water trying to just like, let go of some of the stress that, that I've had. And in that time and you know, we've, we've talked and we will talk in this show more about how the number on the scale is a goddamn liar.

And don't, don't put too much weight on it, but pardon the pun. But, uh, but I have, I've seen the loss. I've lost five pounds in the last week. More importantly, I feel better in doing it. So it's, I always look at it as sort of a measurement of what I'm feeling so I can notice that I feel better and then I can get on there and go, oh, interesting.

Like how, how they correlate. Great. Um, and so much of it is changing habits and it's like, we talked about grabbing a piece of fruit or whatever, and I've gone back to just having my Bulletproof coffee in the morning and that's been a huge game changer for me. I can, I can feel the mental clarity that comes with.

Making that change and, and, uh, using that to start my day. 

Zach: [00:04:23] Yeah, those little changes. A lot of them are really small. I'm still working on the diet and making, you know, a couple of small changes. But the way I eat is generally maintains my weight. Right. I could definitely go up and down, but I'm going to change it in a way that will probably cause me to lose.

Lose some weight. The one thing I have been gaining over the last couple of months is muscle. I've come back from some injuries and I'm actually working out now. It just amazes me every time. Like, you know, when I went back into the gym, I could barely squat with like an, a PVC pipe on my shoulder. Like.

Half a pound right on my shoulder. And like through my coach. Yeah, PT, just like all these little subtle changes that are, I've been working on over the last two months, I just broke 200 pounds on the bar and like two and a half months, she's just little changes. And it was like, it was a good squat. It was a healthy squat.

I wasn't hurting. And it was just like, okay. I went from nothing to 200 pounds. On my squat in two and a half months with just little teeny tiny changes, like little things to, you know, so like adding the Bulletproof coffee into one little thing that can make a huge difference, but yeah. 

Jeremy: [00:05:37] Yeah. And it has, and, and that clarity is helping me just be more focused at work.

It's also helping me because it's a simple thing to track. This is, this is one of the things that has always held me back with tracking calories is. When you eat all day, when you follow the advice of eat six times a day and all that, unless you plan ahead and chartered all ahead, it's almost impossible for me.

To remember, oh, what were the three things I ate earlier? And what am I eating now? And trying to figure it out, the, the homework that's involved in trying to calculate, because so much of what you eat is not in the database. And a lot of it's homemades, you've got to try and fudge your numbers and figure it all out.

That's exhausting. And so it's so easy to just give up and stop doing that. But I've found that if I know, if I have the routine of, you know, my coffee is basically my breakfast and then I eat one more time in the afternoon and then. It's simpler to keep track of what's going in there. And then I look at the numbers and I, and it just so much of it is making an informed choice.

And when I see what the number is at the end of the day, when normally I would be like, okay, great, let's have some popcorn and a beer and watch some TV at 10 30 at night. Now I can go, oh no, I've, I've already hit my number. I would only be doing that because emotionally I want to, and that sounds fun, but physically that's a terrible idea and I should not do that right now, so I can, I can make better choices.

Measuring the data that I'm collecting on myself and I'm seeing the results. And I just think it's, it's like you said, making those little changes, even one at a time cascades into other changes that produce the results. Yeah. And that emotional eating part is just, you know, it really hit me hard this week.

Zach: [00:07:18] I've got an incredibly stressful situation for me going on and you know, Thursday morning I found myself. Barely 10 o'clock in the morning. And I had already broken into the potato chips and it was eating potato chips, 10 o'clock in the morning and was like mid, you know, mid bite. And I was just like emotional eating.

What am I doing? This is an emotionally eating. And so I. Ate a few more potato chips, but I really did take that moment to, you know, think about and, and really commit to memory like what I was feeling and, and the, the drive and the motivation for me to go and get those potato chips and really try and rack like lock it in so that in the future, I can be like, wait a minute.

That's that again? So before I actually get the chips in my hand, I can recognize it. I don't know if it'll stop. But I'll at least be aware of it, but I think, but I think it did. Right. And we talk about this so often it's like getting curious, why am I doing the thing that I'm doing right now? And so often just taking that half a second can completely change your behavior and completely break.

Maybe not completely break that habit, but start giving you the tools to break those bad habits and start developing better ones to replace. Yeah, just be mindful of it. If it's mindless, it's, you know, you're never going to be able to break it cause you don't know what's happening. 

Jeremy: [00:08:42] I think what you were saying a minute ago about your workout, uh, is important and sometimes it does take a coach.

It takes turning to somebody with more expertise, with a different idea, a different perspective on what you're doing to point you in the direction that helps you make those small changes and, and do the things that help you lift 200 pounds. He-Man Jesus Christ. Um, Nope, not even like it's, it's still not as much as I have lifted.

When you said PVC pipe. I was like, Pass hard pass. Uh, but sometimes you do need a coach and that's where our guests this week comes in. Her name is Carina Lamar. She's a nutritionist and a fitness expert. And we thought this is a great time to talk to her because with Zach trying to change his diet too.

And a more plant-based lifestyle we wanted to start there. What are some of the important things to consider when making such a big change to your diet?

Karina: [00:09:36] The most important thing they look for life is that protein is one of the most important things in your body. Right? Unfortunately, he ended up out of states. Um, the nutritional requirements came about, um, Food being commercialized. And we've talking about fast food and stuff like that. And, um, dad carbohydrates that has been implemented in our diet, right?

So it's not that, uh, carbohydrates bad carbohydrates is actually wonderful because we need that type of energy in breaks down into your body. It's sugar, it's energy, right. But once you eat the bad pepper hydrates, which we called the manmade food, anything's that manmade. Food is typically not. For you for your body.

You know, we were, they made to eat from the roots to eat from the ground to eat from agriculture. I come from a country with very, very, very, very rich in agriculture. And it was actually really, really difficult for as evil as it was like a, it was a luxury to go to McDonald's people are getting married and McDonald's, you know, like they're having their, uh, um, every morning Nick Donald's because it was, it was something that you don't do it, you know, it was just as expensive.

Um, so protein is one of the most important things in your diet because it keeps your muscle so that what you need is, is a muscle mass to keep your body working for you, not you working for your body, if that makes sense. 

Zach: [00:11:05] Yeah. So. Carbohydrates are not bad. They are good for you. I'm curious, you know, there's so many diets out there that say restrict carbohydrates or something like that.

Like the keto diet, are you against the keto diet or, or do you feel like that there's a place for it in some cases? What are your thoughts on, on that? 

Karina: [00:11:27] I'm not against it. I think there's a wonderful thing. It's just, it really depends. Like it just because you see a diet online and you see a commercial and stuff that he's talking all, you know, have you seen the latest diet?

That's really awesome. You really need to make sure and find out that diet is actually good for you. Um, so the most important thing is number one, um, see what your needs are your needs. Do you want to lose weight? Right? Then you go, I need to lose some weight. And then once you lose weight, you must build muscle.

You have to get muscle. That muscle that's sometimes, uh, let let's say bodybuilders, right? They tend to overdo it into, um, I mean the losses and that when the loss is something that can actually cause heart, uh, salient, if you have too much in your body, because our body produces amino acids that are already automatically.

So it's really a balance. You do need to know what you, where are you looking for? I was looking for it to lose weight. Okay. Let's go to keto for a little while. Not forever. Carbohydrate section is really good for you. It's really wonderful. And it's necessary for our body for energy, but like I said meant me carbohydrates.

Why, why am I going to not eat a sweet potato? And then just get like those chips that I'm actually looking at right now, those potato chips that comes into a little bag. Right? Why is this all commercial? So I think we should start thinking about diet and how, how is so important to eat from, from, from the ground?

From from, from, you know, like farming and, uh, yeah, I'm not against it to be on a Zack. I'm not against that. I think is great. I have clients who actually are very intensely Quito. They lose gradually if you lose too fast is also not a good thing. So if you're not looking to get into like the knife, I call it, get under the knife, like surgery, plastic surgery, and you know, if you want to do everything naturally, you know, let's lose, let's lose it.

That. Eating not just like, oh, I'm not going to eat. I'm going to fast for 30 days. I'm not going to eat. And then, and then that fat actually stores in your body because it's a defense, defense mechanism telling your body, Hey, are you okay? I'm just going to start a little bit of fat right here because you're not eating.

I just want to make sure you're alive, you know? And, um, yeah. So not against Negan's keto at all. I think it's gray, but, uh, You need to know what you want to do in a game way. Yeah. I had a client who was in that indirect sick, and she was really suffering really, really suffering from 15, 16, 17 years of age.

And, um, I mean, I have pictures of her and she's amazing. She was like, you know, skin and bones and believing that she was always fat. That's another thing that we have to work. Need to know your body. You should know your body and you should love yourself. Most of all, that's number one. You know, if you don't do that, no matter what you look like, you can look like the model and inside is, um, it's not, it's flexing your brain in your body.

If it's, if it's, uh, fighting against each other, it's not a good combination either. It goes through depression and, um, and then there's the eating depression. Yeah. Oh, we can talk about this forever. 

Zach: [00:14:56] I'd love to follow up on that. And, and I was actually just telling Jeremy earlier, I used to be a lot heavier and I still feel like that sometimes I haven't quite gotten over that mental struggle yet.

And somebody commented to me that I was looking, you know, really thin and like in really good shape. But in my head, I was like, wait, Um, like overweight. I'm not, I'm not feeling good about this. So I'd love to kind of switch really quickly to the mental side of, you know, like how, how can, how can people start to think about themselves differently if they're stuck in that place?

Karina: [00:15:32] You gonna have to face yourself no matter what. Okay. I was, um, when I was a teenager, I was always eating very, you know, like we were not, we couldn't, I eat in a restaurant all the time, so our diet was literally plant based and then it got to a point where meats was very sparse. We couldn't eat meat because of the problems that we're having the country.

Right. Example. Um, so. I start gaining weight and gaining weight and gaining weight when I was a teenager. But that's also another kind of thing, other problems. Now I start hating myself for that moment. Right. So I think spirituality is very important. Uh, look into yourself. You naked go in your room by yourself.

Okay. He has to face yourself. You have to look yourself in the mirror and say, I'm not happy. Okay. I'm not happy. It's okay. Not to be happy. It's fine. We live in a society where, um, we're taught that the being sad and cry, my clients. And they really have stuck like that stuck in their hearts and their lungs.

We have problems with breathing. We have problems with that player because they have the so-called trouble. They can a young age because of our culture and society has changed and I have a son and I'm teaching him out to be sensitive and how to try. And it's okay to be sad or depressed. It's fine. It's not good.

If you're depressed for two, like a long period of time, that's a big thing. But you must face yourself in the procession in here and say, I'm not liking this. I need to find out what am I going to do? I need to do something, go for a walk. I tell you, I have a place to hate. Literally hate to go to the gym.

And it said, let's start from the beginning. You hate to go to gym because you don't look nice. You don't feel nice. So there's other people looking at you. So number one, look at yourself. Uh, forget about the people. Forget about what everybody else is thinking about you. That's number one, before any diet I can do any day, like you said before, right?

You are overweight and then you start gaining muscle and then you're teenagers, a boy. And then, and then you become a young man. And then, but there's something inside that you can't tell. You have no idea what that is. And it's like, you need to go inside of you and. And have this commitment. You have to commit yourself with yourself, nobody else, because nobody's going to go to, to, uh, to tell you what to do and need specialist or in age, you have to make sure that, uh, know what you want.

Find out. Maybe it has some trauma. You maybe, you know, maybe this person had the trauma, maybe this, this person was abused. And this is, this is all, wait a lot in terms of our body, you know, and this body just so you know, it's not for. We're we're carrying this body just for a little while, is, is it's a human experience, right?

I believe in that, I believe in energy. I believe this is not the an, um, so why not carry our body with, with honor with love, with, you know, like loving yourself and say, you know, I am going to be consistent. I'm going to have a discipline. Cause not every day. You will have motivation, you know, not everyday you're going to be like, oh my God, I'm going to wake up at five o'clock in the morning.

I'm going to run 5k and then I'm going to the gym and I'm going to go to work. No, no, it's okay. But you have to have a discipline. 

Jeremy: [00:19:00] I know, in my case, I found the most success with that. I, you know, I, I lost a lot of weight as well. And part of that was by looking in the mirror and letting go of the, I hate what I see or I'm angry at what I've become and that sort of.

And really starting to forgive myself. I'm just saying. This, this is okay right now. And I have a plan to get better. And if I stick to my plan, I will get better. Like sort of having that mental talk with myself is where I found the motivation to exercise and to eat better because so much of the, of that, that negative self-talk or that sort of depressed energy.

Sort of feeds on itself and it's really easy to turn to food, to comfort yourself, or to let yourself off the hook because you just don't physically feel like at that day or whatever, but has that been your experience that, that you sort of need to start from a more positive place to. 

Karina: [00:19:55] Absolutely. No, absolutely.

Yeah. You know, I have a very positive family sometime too positive that we've we grew up as a Buddhist. Um, um, but it got, it was times that I just want to crawl in my bed and was just crying. And so I didn't know. It was okay to be sad. I grew up thinking that being, we couldn't be sad and I tell you from my own experience.

And so that, that really weighed on me. And I think to be honest with you, I believe in cause and effect. So you manifest things physically with your own thoughts. So whatever you think it's going to be calm and there's no other way. There's no other way. If you think you're going to be poor. You will, if you think you're going to be rich and you're going to get rich on date, you will.

If you think you're going to be sat in obese and depressed for the rest of your life, that's going to happen. So you have to, it's a little bit of a mantle thing. Um, but to answer your question, yes, it was very difficult as a teenager. And then I started thinking better and then just like, I don't like the way I feel.

It's all about feelings. We have to be able to be in touch with your feelings. If you're not feeling good about. Your wait, what are you going to do? Well, I'm going to have to cut here. I'm going to have to cut there and maybe I can talk to a nutritionist. Maybe it can go to the gym or often and start small and just start small, go for a walk like long walks, you know, uh, don't drink while you're eating.

I see a lot of people. They drink liquids while they're eating, and this is just. Jimmy has been always obvious because I learned that way, but it expands. All you got in your Gus is basically your internal brand, like talking about digestions of the justice system. Um, Be careful with trans fats, we tend to say, oh, um, you know, uh it's okay.

It's just the, you know, this kind of fat trans fat it's you can't really digest trans fat. So, um, yeah, I came from a place where it's very important to analyze yourself. Like you said, you look yourself in the mirror. And you forgive yourself and it's, you know, I mean, there's psychologists for that, but I, I really, really do meditation.

It's hard, you know, to go inside of you. But if you can wake up in the morning, maybe it's five minutes before and just cite yourself to a plan for the day, forget about tomorrow, because we don't really know tomorrow. And it's really hard because anxiety kind of things, especially when you have some type of business coming up, and then you always thinking about that, you know, try to think about this right now.

What can I do right now to make me feel better? I'm talking to you. I'm feeling great. There's somebody next to me, I'm not feeling right. I'm not feeling good about this person, which is, you know, if the self out of it, those things, everything is, it's a combination when it comes to, um, I don't like to say, you know, overweight or lose weight.

Otherwise we just give ourselves too much into the way position and dieting and all that kind of thing. It's about feeling good. It's about. 

Jeremy: [00:23:08] That's exactly what I was going to ask you about because, uh, you know, Zach and I are in the middle of this, this challenge trying to change our diet. And a lot of it for me is that I did, I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago.

And in this last year of sort of not going anywhere, like a lot of people have put some of that weight back on and I'm, I'm trying really hard to not focus on the number as much as seeing that number as a symptom of the way I'm feeling. And so I'm, I'm not going into this going, I want to lose this 10 or 15 pounds.

I'm going. I want to go back to the life I was living that allowed me to feel the way I did, you know, 10 or 15 pounds ago. So, you know, fitness is kind of your thing. If, if someone is like me or like Zach, on, where do I start? How do I start to reverse this process that I've been in for the last year? I don't enjoy going to the gym.

I like I'm looking at your background going, that looks lovely outside. I've got to go outside to that. I want to do this. So where are some really simple places to start getting some more movement into more activity into our lives that are going to be the most beneficial is, is walking enough. If I just do yoga, is that enough?

Like what, what would you suggest for somebody to start. 

Karina: [00:24:15] Um, number one, I think being outside is very important. Okay. So you need to set yourself up for discipline. So let's say you don't want, I don't like to go to the gym, you know, let's see, uh, you go for a walk, you have to go for a walk daily, take one day off.

Maybe you pick the Sunday off, but this walking process, and now we have year, your plugs are, we can, we can listen to music. We can listen to podcasts like yours. We can, you know, we can listen to so many things and just zone. The problem is some people have a tendency to worry about, especially when you are in a process of shaping yourself.

I always say that we are diamonds and we're shaping ourselves for the rest of our lives is never ending. We never going to, and there's always going to be something you have to be prepared for that. If you keep looking into the destination, you're never going to gather. So we got to enjoy this moment right now.

So the moment is, and then go for a walk every single day for one year. Is that one mile, then you jump into two, two miles and then, um, three miles, you know, I work with very obese and I also work with athletes. Some athletes can't stand to go to the gym. So sidewalking, and I'll tell you at home is the best you can ever, ever, ever, possibly experienced, because you will learn so much about yourself.

So again, like a yoga. Close the door so nobody can see you and then stretch as much as you can. Stretching is actually releasing energy and toxins. When you're stretching, you don't have to be a Yogi. You don't have to be super loose. You know, you get to start from somewhere. So stretching to me is number one, because it flows the oxygen flows through your body.

And then little by little, you know, you just get little ways again there. And then, uh, weight management is a very important, like I was telling you about building muscles, uh, very important because you want, if you want to come to a point where once you lose that amount of wait, are you, you're, you're searching right.

You will have to check for any transform that part of your body that's missing. It's missing, right? You lost into muscles. If you don't. That's why people gain weight. Again, begin all back again because they're there. They're doing their diets, which is definitely 70% guys, 70% diet or I mean, nutrition, 30% exercise.

Okay. That's how it works. If you went to the gym for 24 hours a day, but you getting terrible. It's not going to happen. Same thing. If you eating super well and you're not exercising, you're going to gain those those way back again. So it muscles are important to work that for you, right? You, why don't you want it to work, but like you want your money to work for you?

Well, you probably work for your money, same thing. 

Zach: [00:26:58] So you mentioned, um, you know, watching the weight and building the muscle and. You know, just in, in my, in the last two months I have, you know, I've actually put on. Five pounds, but I know that I had to tighten my belt a little bit more. So my waist got smaller and it's because I've been lifting weights and putting the muscle on.

So, you know, at what point do you like look at the scale and look at the number, and then at what point do you have to stop looking at that number and, or do you look at the number at all through the whole thing and just focus on how you feel and like maybe the size of your clothes, you know, how important is that scale on that number?

That's down. 

Karina: [00:27:41] That's awesome. You said that because that's exactly how I work. That's how I do with my clients. Um, uh, so I, I have a scale that I, I, it's a little special scale that, uh, actually, uh, you know, I find out vitamins they're, they're lacking in their body. Laser. So laser scale and I measure everything, their leaflets and everything, the weight there, my muscle mass and the protein and everything, but I never showed them.

I never showed them. So I, I take that note and then we have three, I have three weeks programs, six, nine, and 18 weeks. Okay. I don't work more than that because after that, after 18 weeks or maybe three weeks, it depends on what you need. You should be able to walk by yourself. On your needs and be consistent with yourself.

And of course I do some like, you know, time management and, but I never showed them in the beginning. I always show them at the end. Because I think the, the, you know, the counting calories, um, I think that this is just a waste of time. It gives me anxiety. When you see the numbers. I believe, I truly believe that, you know, if you are wearing, let's say six, Go shopping and get yourself a two or three or four, whatever you want to go to and keep that close next to you.

I love you said that. And women have a lot of the men, not so much, but women, you know, they have this thing of like, Hey, I want to get married. I want to lose weight because I want to get into my wedding to my dress. And so they get a dress always smaller than, than what they look at. So that is a very, actually very positive exercise because you're looking forward to something.

Now, if you see a number we as humans, unconsciously, we tend to record numbers more than names. Okay. So you looked at those numbers and you're going to keep those numbers in your head and you're going to keep counting calories the whole time. So I don't think that's appropriate. Um, I always worked with the blood diet.

I mean, I don't like to see blood died because people think blood dies is diluted. Okay. There's not enough. Uh, scientists scientific, uh, studies out there because, uh, you know, we have, uh, a huge, uh, network of doctors and nutritionist, but the blood type is basically to prevent diseases. And it also teaches us who we are in terms of otherwise, everybody will be the same, right?

Otherwise I'm like a positive and you are all negative examples. There's a difference in that that's a different, that's why it can not receive your blood. And you can obviously, so it's important to them to learn and understand about blood types, not to lose weight itself, but just like, and based on your blood type.

Also, I find that. Uh, you know what you should be avoiding, not that you can't eat forever. Like I'm A-plus and this is a study that has been done out there that says that I cannot eat a protein, basically lamb or beef and stuff like that. I should be eating more fish and chicken, you know, but. That does not extremely the case.

Okay. We need more studies about, and what I believe in the blood type is this weird, different, and there are certain things that you're allergic to and you don't even know. So I, I'm more focused on the actual plant based diet than the calories that you're taking, because. You know, those calories that perhaps you take 2000 calories of a whole plate of, let's say a salad, right.

And you cut off that dressing because the dressing is the bad, the bad thing that, that, that, uh, has a lot of trans fat. I know those, those dressings that you buy in store. So little line, little like a olive oil, a little salt is fine. Uh, but it's better to you, those 2000 calories in a salad or plant-based, that's not manmade food and go to the gym.

Then actually have a 2000 calorie in a big, like, I don't know, um, seafood with, uh, hollandaise sauce, full of eggs and butter anyway, so you can go on and on and on, um, with the plant-based diet. 

Jeremy: [00:31:50] And you mentioned earlier that the comparison between the sweet potato and the potato chips, are there things on a plant-based diet that you can overdo that I, you know, coming from some success with it with a keto ish diet.

Uh, you know, you're told to stay away from the sugary fruits and starches and all that. Are you from the, uh, are you of the opinion that if it grew out of the ground, the more the merrier, or can you overdo it with the potatoes and the bananas and the sugary or the higher sugar, uh, produce, I guess.

Karina: [00:32:21] Absolutely. I think I, um, I, like I said, the overdoing things we can overdo on anything. We can overdoing exercises. We can overdo in diets. Uh, I had a client who was trying everything and she was not even looking inside of herself to find out exactly what she's about. Everybody has a different needs.

Everyone is different. Um, so you can overdo it. I truly believe that plant based. It's something that you will never really, really overdue of course, but there's certain combinations, like, like you're saying like banana, and if I'm making a smoothie and I have too many sugary fruits example, I can literally reach out to like 3000 calories in one, eight ounces or 16 ounces of smoothie and people go to, um, Jamba juice.

Right. And they get that 16 ounce of that particular. Uh, coconut milk in a lots of kinds of fruits. I mean, we seriously, you could get 4,000 calories like right there and then what, right. And then you get diabetes and he was super skinny and super fit and it looked really fit, but then you're diabetic and you don't know why.

Right. So we gotta pay attention to that. Sure. Uh, well, as, as we wrap up here, uh, any, uh, I guess what, give us a few sort of starting points. Somebody that wants to just sort of get their health more in line, whether it's activity or nutrition, what are like three things that people can start doing today that they'll, that will set them on a path for success.

Listen to your body, listen to your body before you go anywhere. Uh, and he gets a field that is going to promise you to lose 10, 15 pounds. In one month, we listened to your body. See what you about. Look yourself in the mirror. Uh, make a commitment with yourself. That's number one, maybe this with yourself.

Don't try not to depend too much on other people. You know, I want to lose weight or I want to gain weight. I want to look better. I want to feel better about feeling it's about feeling, see how you feeling, how, how how's your life, you know, everything, there's a solution for it. There's a solution for every little problem that we're facing.

So that's number one. And number two is, um, Don't overdo things. Exactly. Like don't want to do talk to a nutritionist. I think it's important. Uh, research look at online. There's a lot of things out there and exercise. You have to exercise. I mean, I know everybody knows this, but, um, But there's, there's a balance.

You get to have a balanced, and if you really want to start like healthy, get rid of meat for now, just for now, at least for a week and not, it's not forever. Uh, you were saying before you gone on a, you know, on a period of time with Zach, for a vegan diet, do it. Yeah, absolutely a month. Let me try yourself.

Don't do it forever. Right? Anything that's forever. It's too long that can harm you too. So your body or your, you as a man, male is from special. We need the change. More than meaning usually. Um, so maybe once in a while you can have a barbecue again there, but it's important to clean up your blood. And I don't know if you're, if it's a good thing to say here, but I truly, I recommend.

So donate blood. Okay. You have for the new blood, because let us donation, it's not just before the receiver is for you. It brings up your, your archeries, it cleans up your, your, your parts and makes it bump a little possibly because it needs more blood. Right. So, yeah, I recommend, so number one, look at yourself, looking at me.

Forgive yourself, like you said, try to be happy sometimes.

Yeah. And exercise. It's great now. Oh, I'm going to answer my own question. Why do you say I don't like to eat plan days. I have a student. What does not? He does not. And he's going to become a chef. Okay. He does not. Eat vegetables or salad. And I says, well, you're gonna have to learn somehow because at the end of, you know, when you like reach thirties and forties and fifties, again to me that, and maybe it's too late.

Jeremy: [00:36:36] I love that tip about donating blood. I've never heard the perspective of the donor, that the health benefits of the donor. That's crazy. I've never heard that in 44 years. That's that's a great tip. 

Karina: [00:36:47] Yeah. Donate them. Blood's good skin for you too. You know, you will maybe feel a little dizzy. Um, but even the plagues in, in your, in your, in your bloodstream, it changes exchanges list.

So we need to vet change our body and the bloods inside of you always say to people say, yes, What is your horoscope sign? Oh, I know my high school science says, so do you know your blood type? I don't know my blood type. Listen, your blood never changed only if you have a transfusion, but it's inside of you, your, your weight, change, your height, change your hair, change your color, change.

Everything changes, guys. We get old or blood is always the same. So you must know your blood type. That's great advice. We will wrap things up there then. Thank you so much for your time and your insight. Where, where can we learn more about you online? Where can people follow? Uh, come to fit for life duck TRO on Instagram.

I have the website coming out right now as a working on, and also an application where my clients can just go literally there and find out what they need in terms of diet, exercise. And. Also my phone number and my phone number is (415) 846-6575. And find me, and I'll be more than happy to guide you.

Jeremy: [00:38:09] That was nutritionist and fitness expert, Karena Lamar, all of her information, her website, her Instagram handle, all of that is available on our website, the fitness.com in the show notes for this episode. Her tip there at the end about donating blood in all of the conversations we've had and all of the things that we've done, uh, over the last few years in the, in the wellness field, I'd never heard that tip about donating blood for your, for your own health, aside, from whoever benefits from your donut.

Zach: [00:38:36] Yeah, I hadn't heard that either. I mean, I've donated enough to science for lab tests, but that's, I don't think that's what she was talking about. I think that counts. Yeah, that does. Yeah. It's not quite enough. Um, yeah, no, I hadn't, I hadn't heard that before, but it makes sense. Yeah. So that, along with all the other things she mentioned and the things we've been talking about in this episode, lots of great little small changes you can make to improve your overall.

So do you want to touch on one more thing that happened to me going back to the beginning of the show where I, potato chips at 10 o'clock in the morning, I do want to say that, like, once I realized it and I had that, that moment and, you know, recognize that emotional eating and, you know, again, have a couple more chips, but I put it back, put them back.

I, you know, I looked up and I was like, oh, well it's 10 o'clock I can't have a beer, but yes, I could. I went and grabbed an athletic brewing beer and just had one at 10 o'clock in the morning, sitting on the front porch, contemplating the emotions that were going through my, my, my system and dealing with it, but with a beer at 10 o'clock in the morning that had no alcohol, it was delicious,

Jeremy: [00:39:45] you know, and, and I want to jump on the bandwagon there too.

And yes, they are a sponsor, but we only talk about things that we actually care about anyways. And so this is, this is true. As someone who used to turn to, you know, a fully alcoholic beer to, uh, manage some of my emotions to deal with some of my crises, I still, at times will feel like, oh God, I just, I just need a beer to, to manage this.

And when I have those, when I have athletic brewing beer in the fridge, It is so easy to go grab one and to feel good about it. And to know that like what I'm actually drinking is, is relatively healthy for me and not doing the damage that I used to do in the way that I used to cope with my emotions. So getting back to the emotional eating thing, it's, it's a great tool to have in your toolbox when, when you just need a beer to cope with whatever life is throwing at you, even if it's 10 o'clock in the morning, even if it's 10 o'clock in the morning and you just polished off a giant bag of salt and vinegar, potato chips.

Zach: [00:40:40] And that's what it was salt and vinegar. 

Jeremy: [00:40:41] That's not the healthiest choice to pair with your beer, but you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. Yeah. All right. With that, let's wrap things up. Thank you for listening. Thank you to Corrina Lamar for being on the show. Thank you to athletic brewing beer for sponsoring the show and thank you to you for signing up for the newsletter and following us on whatever social media platforms you use.

All of the information to do all of that is that our website, the fitness.com, where you will find a brand new episode next Wednesday. Thanks everyone. We know this podcast is amazing and doesn't seem to lack anything, but we need a legal disclaimer. Prior to implementing anything discussed in this podcast is your responsibility to conduct your own research and consult your physician.

You should assume that Jeremy and Zach don't know what they're talking. And they're not liable for any physical or emotional issues that occur directly or indirectly. I'm listening to this podcast.


Karina LaMarr Profile Photo

Karina LaMarr

Chef Nutritionist & Educator/ Author

Karina is a Chef Nutritionist and Culinary Educator. She is also an entrepreneur who codes her own virtual assets. She is environmentally driven and supports all-natural causes.
She has helped hundreds of terminal patients and athletes with bad health conditions and she promotes wellness, a balanced lifestyle, and a forever change of bad habits. She believes the Universe is in control and preaches letting go of past experiences in matters to grow steadily to a happier journey in this world. She is the author of "Tree of Life."

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