Discipline Episodes

Oct. 23, 2023

224. Open Your Ears: Disney VP Lee Cockerell Shares How to Defeat Anx…

Former Disney executive Lee Cockerell shares how he struggled with anxiety and depression later in life, despite professional success. He emphasizes the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise for mental health. Lee also discusses the need for...

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Oct. 19, 2023

223. How To Stop Constantly Checking Your Phone And Overcome Unhealth…

In this episode, Jeremy openly discusses his personal struggles with internet and phone addiction, including constantly checking his devices for validation from likes and comments. He covers recognizing the signs of unhealthy technology dependence,...

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Oct. 9, 2023

220. Feeling Anxious About the Future? This Nostalgia Exercise Could …

If you've struggled with childhood trauma, you know how it can haunt you into adulthood. The memories and unhealthy patterns of coping can lead to anxiety, depression, and feelings of being stuck. You may feel like you can't escape the pain of your...

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Sept. 28, 2023

217. How to Stop Emotional Eating in the Moment

In this episode, Jeremy and Zach have a candid chat about their struggles with emotional eating and stress cravings. We've all been there - feeling overwhelmed and finding ourselves snacking impulsively. The hosts share their own experiences and...

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Sept. 21, 2023

215. How You Can Build True Mental, Physical and Emotional Toughness …

In this episode we talk with Greg Everett. He's a champion weightlifting coach, movie maker, and wrote the book "." We talk about what being truly tough means, and why it's important. Greg shares practical tips and advice to help build confidence and...

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Aug. 28, 2023

Why Communication and Connection are the Keys to Building a Better Li…

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew what you needed to do, but you couldn’t seem to get started? Maybe you knew you needed to lose weight, but every time you went to the gym, you bailed out at the last minute. Or you knew you...

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Aug. 17, 2023

How to Get Your Relationship Shit Together with Gary John Bishop

Everyone wants that amazing, fulfilling, and profoundly connected relationship we’ve all read about and dreamed of with someone who gets you and you get them, and all is wonderful in the world.  But what is the reason some of us don’t have...

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Aug. 7, 2023

Focus Bear: The Game-Changer for Distraction Management and Habit For…

In this episode of The Fit Mess, we explore Focus Bear, an app designed to manage distractions and form positive habits for individuals with ADHD and autism. Created by Jeremy Nagel, who personally understands the challenges of these conditions, Focus...

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Aug. 3, 2023

Why You Are Wrong About The 80/20 Rule And How to Start Using It The …

In this episode of The Fit Mess podcast, Jeremy and Zach explore the 80/20 rule in self-improvement. They discuss how this principle, known as the Pareto Principle, can help strike a balance between personal growth and contentment in the present...

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July 24, 2023

The Path to Healthier Living: Exploring Effective Strategies for Long…

In this episode of The Fit Mess podcast, we explore practical strategies for achieving lasting fitness success. Our guest is Greg Lefever, owner of . We discuss the transformative journey towards a healthier lifestyle and cover a wide range of topics,...

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July 20, 2023

Ice Cold Insights: The Mind-Body Connection of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy or cold therapy is a revolutionary approach to health and wellness. Its multitude of benefits, from reducing inflammation and promoting muscle recovery to alleviating stress and enhancing mental resilience, make it a powerful addition to...

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July 10, 2023

How to Take Control of Your Time and Create Real Work-Life Balance Th…

Are you struggling to manage your time effectively? Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list? In this episode of The Fit Mess podcast, we explore the common challenges people face and provide practical solutions to...

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July 3, 2023

The Mind-Body Connection: P90X Founder, Tony Horton's Approach to Men…

Summary In this episode of The Fit Mess Podcast, Tony Horton, the creator of P90X, shares his insights on men's mental health and fitness. He emphasizes the importance of diversity in physical routines and how it benefits the body on multiple levels....

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June 29, 2023

How We Embrace Change and Tackle Stress Head-On: 4 Key Methods

Change is inevitable. Yet, it's one of the things that we as human beings struggle with the most. In this episode of The Fit Mess, we'll share some of the major changes we've experienced in our lives, and four things you should know to help you manage...

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June 26, 2023

The Magic of Being You: Embracing Imperfections and Finding Happiness

In our journey through life, many of us experience challenges and setbacks that can have a profound impact on our mental well-being. From divorce and bankruptcy to depression and anxiety, these hurdles can leave us feeling stuck and overwhelmed....

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